How to cover the roof with roofing material yourself, instructions on photos and videos
Many developers of country houses can not afford to purchase high-quality, but expensive roofing materials. That is why more and more often they turn their eyes to the ruberoid checked by time. In addition, the life of this roofing material is no less than 15 years.
In this article we will talk about how to cover the roof with roofing material and how to avoid the most common mistakes.
How to roof a roofing material
Before proceeding directly to roofing, it is necessary to calculate the possible load on the rafter system. If the value in the end is greater than the current rafter system can withstand, then it must be strengthened. You can also try to recalculate the load for fewer layers of roofing material. But nevertheless, the first option is much more preferable, because a smaller thickness of the roofing cake will negatively affect the durability and reliability of the roof.
Now you can proceed to the next stage of work. In addition to reliable rafters, the roof should have a properly created crate. For its arrangement, it is recommended to use dry edged boards of equal thickness (at least 30 cm). Thin boards will not be able to withstand various dynamic loads (rain, snow, wind), and therefore savings can cause the entire roof to become unusable.
The boards on the crate must be laid tightly enough so that there are no gaps. However, some builders leave a space of 10-15 cm between the individual boards. But nevertheless, it is better to avoid this method of laying, since the solid foundation is much more reliable and protects the roof from leakage and damage.
It is important to recall that in calculating the amount of roofing material, it is necessary to take into account lateral and butt overlaps of 10 cm each. For a ridge, the overlap of roofing material rolls can be 25 cm or more. If you lose sight of this nuance, then in the end a situation may arise with a lack of material.
Do-it-yourself roof of roofing material
In order to properly cover the roof with roofing material, it is necessary to remove the entire bulk from the sheets of material. This operation can be performed mechanically, or you can clean the surface using diesel fuel. When laying the roof from roofing material, it is necessary to take into account the angle of the roof slopes. So, if it is 15 degrees or more, then the roofing material can be put in two layers. With smaller roof slopes, it is necessary to lay the material in three layers – this will provide greater reliability of the resulting roof.
To glue ruberoid rolls together, it is necessary to use bitumen mastic for the roof. Pure bitumen can also be used, but mastics behave better at low temperatures and have higher heat resistance.
How to cook bitumen mastic on your own?
Observing all the technological processes of laying the roofing roof, it is possible to achieve an extension of its life.
Therefore, it is so important to properly prepare the mastic:
- Filler is added to the hot bitumen. Peat crumbs, fine sawdust, flour, ground chalk and asbestos can be used for this.
- You must first sift the selected filler through a sieve.
- To get 10 kg of high-quality mastic at the output, you need to take 1.5 kg of filler and 8 kg of bitumen.
- Bitumen is poured into the prepared container, but not to the edges themselves, since the resulting mixture will need to be mixed.
- In order to interfere with the mastic and remove the foam of pollution that occurs after boiling bitumen, you can build a simple scoop from a wooden stick and a can. See also: “Types and application of mastic for roofing roofing material – tips from practice.”
- Bitumen is heated until the foam begins to rise.
- The filler is added to the bitumen, while stirring it all the time.
- Also in the tank, without stopping stirring, add any used oil.
- Since bitumen mastic is used only in hot form, then immediately after its preparation, the laying and gluing of roofing sheets begins.
After the roofing material is laid out on the roof, it is poured with a thick layer of the resulting mastic, which is sprinkled with coarse sand on top. This is necessary in order to strengthen the roof and extend its life.
How to cover the roof with roofing material
At first it may seem that such a lightweight material is quite simple to lay on the roof. But in fact, there are a number of nuances that are very important to consider. So, for example, for laying roofing material on a concrete roof, it is necessary that its surface is clean and dry, there are no traces of vegetation and debris on it.
For proper laying of roofing material, you can seek the advice of specialists. They will undoubtedly prompt the order of work and help to carry out all necessary calculations. Ruberoid is laid in at least two layers. The first is called litter. It is allowed to put it without sprinkling. As a second layer, it is better to use a modern euroroofing material. It has not only better reliability, but also fits more simply. In most cases, such material is sold along with granite powder.
For the convenience of all work, it is recommended to cut the roofing material into separate sheets. Then part of the roof is covered with bitumen mastic. Using a special burner, its surface is heated and a layer of roofing material is immediately placed on top.
How to cover the roof with roofing material – the main subtleties
It is necessary to spread a portion of the roof of bitumen mastic. Then it is heated with a roofing gas burner. A roofing material is placed on top. A special skating rink is rolled along it. If you skip this stage of work, then under the roof surface there may remain airy areas. This will lead in the future to moisture condensation in these voids and, as a result, to rupture of the material. High-quality roofing can be ensured only in the absence of air pockets under the surface of the roofing material.
If air cannot be removed even with the help of a roller, you need to carefully pierce this place. After the air escapes from under the surface of the roofing material, it is necessary to press it tightly until bitumen mastic flows from the puncture.
Some experts recommend laying reinforcement mesh on mastic. This allows you to strengthen the base of the roof and ensure a tight fit of the roofing material to the surface of the base and its edges (read also: “Covering the roof with roofing material – the basic rules”).
The comfort in the home depends on how to cover the roof with roofing material. That is why the following requirements are mandatory:
- on a gable roof, roofing material is laid only in the warm season;
- for the convenience of work, it is necessary to measure and cut the sheets of roofing material in advance;
- in case of loose fit of the material to the base of the roof, it is necessary to fix it with a rail;
- the laid roofing material should not have folds either on its surface or at the joints, as this can cause the destruction of the roofing cake;
- the edges of the roofing material are wrapped at least 20 cm under the roof base. Thus, the side sections are protected from moisture.
Rules for performing roof repair from roofing material
If you do not follow the general installation requirements for roofing material, then in the future cracks and bubbles may occur on the roof surface. If you do not give due attention to these defects on time, then from a simple and cosmetic repair turn into a major one. Which, of course, means a completely different level of expenses for the owner of the house (read: “What is the roof of houses covered with: the choice of material”).
In order to maximally delay the time of the onset of overhaul, it is necessary to regularly conduct a routine inspection of the roof for cracks and bubbles. When they are found, appropriate measures should be taken immediately. Read also: “How to repair the roof of a country house.”
Partial repairs should be carried out in the following order:
- All gravel is swept away around the damaged sections of the roof (read also: “How to repair a roof from roofing material – the rules of work”). In order for it to easily separate from the surface, in addition to the brush, you can use a building hair dryer. It also helps get rid of dirt and vegetation.
- The edges of a crack or rupture must be raised. For convenience, you can make a cross-shaped incision in this place.
- The plot is cleaned and dried. See also: “Is it possible to put corrugated board on roofing material – options and methods for laying on the roof.”
- Now, heated mastic is applied to it, after which it is firmly pressed to the base.
- For high-quality gluing of the edges of the cracks, a roller passes along it for rolling wallpaper.
- If the edges of the crack do not meet, then a waterproofing tape or a special polyester lining is applied on top of it.
- Leak in such a roof can be eliminated even in wet weather. For this, it is necessary to use special aerosol formulations for roof repairs. Read how to use them in the instructions on the package.
- If a particularly vulnerable place has been damaged, for example, a joint near the wall of a house, then it is best to use a lead apron. It is fixed on the wall with cement mortar applied between the rows of brickwork.
How to cover the roof with roofing material yourself, how to properly install it
Despite the huge variety of offers in the modern construction market, the owners of small private houses and cottages continue to cover the roofs with a time-tested roofing material. This budget roofing material in many cases is the best option in terms of price and quality.
Roofing material produced in rolls is especially good on roofs with a small slope, where other materials do not provide the proper level of resistance to moisture. An important circumstance is the fact that covering the roof with a ruberoid with your own hands is not particularly difficult and you just need to familiarize yourself with how to do it correctly.
How good is roofing material as a roofing material
The classic version of roofing material is made on the basis of building board impregnated with bitumen resin with various additives. Roof coating with rolled roofing material is very affordable. It is not difficult to close the roof with your own hands, only all technological subtleties should be observed. When using roofing material as a roofing material, one must remember its following advantages:
- excellent waterproofing qualities;
- good flexibility and at the same time tensile strength;
- good noise reduction in comparison with a metal coating;
- light weight;
- variety of choices;
- affordable price.
The range of rolled roofing materials is wide enough
The disadvantages of roofing material include its flammability: in contact with open fire, it ignites. In addition, the final strength is quite low, and the surface coating with roofing material lasts about five years. Of course, the appearance is inferior to more modern materials.
Currently, rolled material is being produced in which the base of building cardboard is replaced with fiberglass, which does not crack and is not subject to rotting processes. The service life of such roofing material is about twenty years. Note that you can also cover the old wooden roof with your own hands and lay the roofing material on such a roof is quite simple and profitable.
Laying roofing material on a wooden roof is not difficult
Please note that there is a material for the roof called ondulin, which in its composition is very similar to roofing material, and in appearance – to slate. Modern ondulin is inexpensive, and the simplicity of its installation can be estimated by the material “How to cover the roof of the house with ondulin with your own hands, the correct technology for installing the roof.”
Choose ruberoid by labeling
The choice of roofing material for a specific type of work is facilitated by its marking from an alphanumeric code. The first letter “P” or “P” indicates which base was used in the manufacture: glassine or ruberoid. The second – determines the scope: roofing or lining (“K” or “P”). The third – indicates the type of topping: coarse-grained, fine-grained, dusty or scaly (“K”, “M”, “P”, “H”).
The number at the end indicates the density of the building board. For example, the marking ??? – 400 means: Lining ruberoid with Fine-grained sprinkling with a density of 400 g / m2. A gable roof or a flat roof covered with roofing material will last a very long time with proper installation.
The inscription on the roll tells a lot of useful about roofing material
You can cover the roof with your own hands and only – a cheaper variety of roofing material. Roofing has been used to protect the roof for a long time, however, the material has a limited service life and is currently used for temporary buildings.
Determine the required number of layers and material consumption
The required number of layers to create a high-quality coating depends on the angle of inclination of the ramp: the larger it is, the fewer layers of roofing material are required. Four layers of roofing material support the weight of people moving on the roof and snow drifts formed in winter. Such a coating is laid on a flat surface with a slope of not more than three degrees. If this value does not exceed six degrees, in order to cover the roof, use a three-layer “cake”.
With a slope of up to fifteen degrees, two layers of roofing material are laid, over this value, waterproofing coatings of a different type are used. When determining the material consumption necessary for the performance of the work, in addition to the number of layers, one should take into account the ten-centimeter overlap of the sheets when laying and the twenty-centimeter margin for equipping the ridge and overhang. Based on these factors, the desired total area of roofing material is determined.
How to cover the roof with your own hands
Laying roofing material is not particularly difficult. In order to properly cover the roof with a rolled roofing material, it is necessary to carefully carry out all the technological subtleties of the process. It is necessary to select the necessary tool for the job and prepare the base for the installation of the material well.
Note that bitumen mastic and primer can be made independently, and it is possible to glue roofing material without using a gas burner.
Work should be in the absence of precipitation and strong wind. The removal of moisture on the base is accelerated by a building hairdryer, and if there are swollen spots and cracking on the old coating, it will have to be removed. Most often, the fixation of the rolled material is carried out using a special mastic, but there are also both self-adhesive and fused varieties of the coating.
Essential tool for cutting and laying ruberoid
The necessary tools for laying and cutting roofing material are not difficult. They are available in the arsenal of the home craftsman and on sale in the construction market. The following will be required:
- sharpened knife, preferably a shoe;
- yardstick;
- burner used for fusion of joints;
- used to connect the joints of the skating rink.
Mastic for laying ruberoid is applied with a roller or a wide brush. For its melting, a metal container of the appropriate volume will be required. A self-made shoe knife helps to get an even cut of material. With a hacksaw, you can cut a piece of the desired width without resorting to roll deployment; when sawing, the material is wetted with water.
It is important to prepare the foundation well.
For high-quality laying of roofing material it is important to prepare the surface on which the installation will be carried out. With significant damage to the old coating, it is removed. A thorough cleaning of various kinds of contaminants and removal of oil stains is carried out.
Stages of surface preparation for laying ruberoid
Then a visual inspection is carried out, the detected cavities and cracks are filled with a cement solution, the protrusions are cut off. The surface is carefully leveled and dried. The use of a hair dryer or blowtorch speeds up this process. Then a primer layer is applied, which is used as the so-called primer. The consumption of this material depends on how well the base is aligned.
Bituminous mastic and primer you can do yourself
The bitumen mastic and primer necessary for the job can be done by yourself. A primer is a surface treatment composition that can be easily made by dissolving bitumen.
For this, petroleum bitumen is placed in a tank of a suitable volume and, heated, brought to a boil. After that, it is carefully poured into a container where the volume of diesel fuel is half as much in volume (it is impossible to pour diesel fuel into boiling bitumen!), And then mix thoroughly. The composition is ready to use.
Something like this do the mastic and primer yourself
Another way to prepare a primer is time consuming. Pieces of solid bitumen in an appropriate proportion are placed in a container of sufficient volume filled with gasoline, tightly closed with a lid and wait for it to dissolve. From time to time, the mixture must be mixed, for complete dissolution it will take from seven to twelve days.
Waterproofing mastic is made independently by way of melting bitumen. It is mixed with plasticizers and fillers and boiled in a boiler with thick walls. The plasticizer is waste machine oil, the filler is crushed rubber, asbestos chips, sawdust, moss and so on.
To prepare the composition for ten kilograms of the mixture, eight and a half kilograms of bitumen, one kilogram of filler and half kilogram of plasticizer are taken. First, pieces of bitumen are melted in the boiler, while the tank should not be filled by more than two-thirds, otherwise boiling bitumen will splash out.
Melt the resin much faster than dissolve
Then a plasticizer is added, as well as crushed and dried filler. Cooking is carried out with constant stirring with a wooden stirrer or shovel over low heat for three hours. The resulting foam is periodically removed.
Mastic is prepared immediately before use and cannot be stored for longer than a day.
How to glue roofing material without a burner
It is possible to glue roofing material without the use of a gas burner on mastic of cold application. It is solvent based and retains its liquid state without exposure to high temperatures. Before use, you only need to mix it well. The technology for performing work using such compositions is not difficult, all manipulations can be performed independently.
Laying roofing material without using a burner
Cold-applied mastic is applied on a cleaned and fat-free surface with a roller or brush, then sheets of roofing material are laid on top and pressed tightly. The advantage is to reduce the time required to complete the work by saving time on preparatory manipulations, and there is no need to use heating equipment. The disadvantage is the lack of adhesion to the base, higher cost and significant consumption of material.
Features of the installation of the deposited material
The deposited material is a cloth impregnated with bitumen with various additives. When installing a surfaced roofing material, a mastic is not required, since this type of coating is equipped with an adhesive layer. When laying the deposited material, it is preheated with a blowtorch until the adhesive layer softens, is pressed tightly and rolled with a rubber roller. In this case, the moisture content of the base should not exceed four percent.
Examples of mounting surfaced material
The three of us work best: one person heats the edge of the roll, the other unfolds it, and the third immediately rolls the heated part. It is required to observe the temperature regime, since when overheated, the sheets burn out through. Immediately after installation, you can not move around the roof, you must let the material cool. Installation is carried out in two layers, the first of them is ordinary, the second – with the appropriate sprinkling. This approach provides high-quality waterproofing of the treated surface.
If you need to repair the roofing coating
It is recommended to check the condition of the coating at the end of the winter and summer periods of operation. Over time, problem areas appear on the roof surface, especially if the installation was performed with errors. In this case, you can repair and repair the roof yourself.
Cracks and minor damage to the coating, which did not lead to leaks, detected during visual inspection, are simply filled with a heated bitumen composition. With a mixture of mastic, sawdust and sand, small cavities are filled. Such roof repairs are uncomplicated.
Stages of roof repair from roofing material
More holes are closed by patches cut from a piece of roofing material. Repair of a coating with significant damage is carried out as follows:
- the damaged surface is crosswise chopped with an ax;
- chopped sheets are folded;
- dirt and debris are removed from under them, a primer and mastic are applied to the cleaned surface;
- bent edges fit into place, well pressed and rolled with a rubber roller;
- cuts are sealed and covered with a patch;
- for better fixation, you can use nails or press down the patch with a load.
In places where the roofing is connected to the chimney and ventilation pipes, in addition to replacing damaged areas, metal collars are installed. Subject to all installation standards and timely service, the roofing material will last a long time without loss of performance. The use of this material for roofing with independent performance of work will not cause noticeable damage to the family budget.
Detailed instructions from leading experts
Not every landlord has funds for expensive roofing materials, such as copper or slate. Most often, people use old and proven material. This is a roofing material. The roof, which is covered with roofing material, can serve about fifteen years. As you can see, the period is not small, and the quality is excellent. Today roofing material can be bought in many stores of building materials. The price is quite affordable.
This article will help in working with roofing roofing material. Here you can find information on how to efficiently and reliably perform the overlap.
Before starting work on the ceiling, it is necessary to calculate the approximate loads that the roof will experience, for example, attic. In winter there will be snow, which will have significant loads.
Remember ! If the roof is weak, then it is obvious that it is necessary to leave a smaller number of layers of roofing material. It is best to strengthen the roof. If you make the number of layers of roofing material less, then this can affect the quality of the overlap.
Suppose, it is decided to cover the roof with roofing material. If the house has just been built, then you need to do the crate. This is a process that requires accurate miscalculations.
For the crate, dried boards are used. It is important to use calibrated boards that have the same width of 30 centimeters. Less thickness is not recommended, as thin boards will not withstand heavy loads. Especially in winter, when a lot of snow falls. The boards on the crate are stacked tightly. It is important that there is no gap between the boards. But some builders still prefer to make a gap of 15 centimeters. This can be argued for by insignificant savings in building material – boards. However, it is best not to save on the roof structure of the attic roof. It is important to make the crate joint to joint. This will allow you not to worry about the quality of the structure.
When choosing a roofing material, it is necessary to take into account when calculating that an overlap of the material will be performed. If you get rid of the skate, then the use of roofing material will be even greater. Therefore, you need to buy roofing material with a margin in advance.
As for the purchase of wood, it is worth noting that it is best to buy it in the warm season. The main thing is that the tree is still dry at the base. You need to choose carefully so that there are no knots and rot. So you can increase the life of the floor. The boards are additionally dried in the sun so that as much moisture as possible comes out of them even before they lie under the roofing material.
The main basics of coating roofing material
Now you can figure out how to properly block the roof with roofing material. In order to provide a high-quality coating, you can remove the filling from the roofing material. To remove the filling, you can use a brush or moisten roofing material with diesel fuel. So the entire coating, which is applied to one side of the roofing material, is washed off.
When roofing material is laid, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the roof. If it is no more than 15 degrees, then two layers will be enough. If the roof slope is less than 15 degrees, then at least three layers of material must already be laid. Bitumen is used for fastening roofing material. This is a strong and reliable tool.
Important! At low temperatures, bitumen is not fragile and will last longer. It has high heat resistance in hot weather.
How to cook bitumen mastic yourself
With proper installation of roofing material, the roof can be without repair for a long time and can last for more than one year.
There is a method for making bituminous mastic at home . Some additives are added to the molten bitumen:
- peat crumbs;
- flour;
- fine sawdust;
- a piece of chalk;
- some varieties of asbestos.
All types of filler must be additionally dried and sieved. For 10 kilograms of bitumen mass, 8 kilograms of bitumen and up to one and a half kilograms of additives are used. Bitumen is loaded into a container into which impurities can be added. It is important that molten bitumen interferes conveniently. From a can, you can make dishes with which you can remove dirt from boiling bitumen. Bitumen is heated until the foam ceases to form. After the bitumen boils, add impurities. It is also necessary to add used oils.
Bitumen mastic is used only in hot form. Then it loses its properties and becomes unsuitable for use – it requires additional heating.
It is important to follow all precautions with boiling material. Roofed roofing material is poured with molten bitumen. A thick layer is used. After the seams can be sprinkled with sand. Thus, it is possible to increase the life of the coating and increase the strength.
The main details of laying euroroofing material
All work at first glance may seem simple. However, it is not so easy to put roofing material on a concrete roof. Before laying the material, it is necessary to clean the roof of debris and natural precipitation (moisture, snow, water). In order to find out how to put the roofing material correctly, you need to contact a specialist, behind whose back there are more than a dozen such works. A specialist will help you choose the right material and help you calculate the right amount.
Remember ! At a minimum, two layers of roofing material are laid. The first layer can be laid without the use of bulk materials. This is the litter. The second layer uses the most modern type of coating – euroroofing material. This roofing material is sold with granite powder in the kit.
Before you start laying the roofing material, you need to cut the material into the desired segments. Then mastic from bitumen is heated using a gas burner. Mastic is poured onto the coating, and the roofing material is laid on the surface.
The main subtleties of roofing with euroroofing material
There are several useful tips that you can use when roofing a roofing material with a roofing material. The upper part of the roofing material is a kind of indicator that responds to temperature. The top film burns out. Only then can you start laying. It is not recommended to overheat sheets of euroroofing material. They can melt completely and lose their qualities.
The roof is smeared with resin and partially heated with a gas burner. Roofing material that is stacked is rolled with a special skating rink. The skating rink is used on single-pitched roofs, for example, from corrugated board with a flat surface. If you do not use a skating rink, then there is a high probability that moisture and air will remain under the roofing material, which will subsequently lead to cracks in the coating. Then the repair will not be avoided.
Quality coverage is determined by the absence of air bubbles. If air from the roofing material is not removed using the roller, you can use cloth rolls. It is necessary to slightly squeeze air out from under the roofing material.
Sometimes a reinforcing mesh is laid on the mastic. This allows you to provide a high degree of adherence of roofing material to the surface. Also, roofing material does not slip on the roof when laying.
Correct overlapping of a gable roof with roofing material guarantees reliability and lack of leakage for a long time.
Almost all professionals fulfill the following conditions when laying roofing material. Lay roofing material in dry and warm weather, which avoids the penetration of moisture under the coating. Ruberoid must be measured and cut in advance. If the roofing material is not firmly attached to the surface, it must be strengthened with a wooden lath. When laying roofing material, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of folds on the lines. Folds can quickly cause roofing material and the roof as a whole to quickly spoil. The edges that remain on the roofing material must be tucked under the base of the roof by at least 20 centimeters.
Rules for performing roof repair from roofing material
If you do not follow all the rules for laying roofing material on the roof, then various defects will form on the coating. More and more often bubbles and cracks begin to appear.
Repair of roofing roof must be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, you will have to repair the entire roof. This will entail high costs. The most important thing is to remove in time the air formations that remain when laying the roofing material.
All defects are usually eliminated with bitumen. For partial repairs, some rules must also be followed.
If cracks appear, remove all debris from the roof. A special hairdryer is used for construction. It helps remove moss, dust, dirt, moisture and other impurities. The edges where the crack appeared rise and an incision is made in the form of a cross. Such areas must be thoroughly dried. Then the mastic is applied, and the edges are pressed very hard. To make a good pressing of the edges, a roller is used. If the damage is quite serious and the edges are far from each other, a patch is used – a patch made of polyester. You can use waterproofing tape.
The roof can be repaired even in wet weather. In this case, special repair aerosols are used. The rules for their use are written in the instructions. Sometimes a special lead apron is used for repairs. It is attached at the junction of the roof and wall with cement.
These tips will help to properly perform roofing work even in the most inaccessible places of overlap. It is important when working to observe not only the correct and consistent execution of all operations, but also safety precautions. Work is carried out at height, so it is worth using special insurance.
Roofing material can be bought at many hardware stores. Today, there are a large number of roofing materials. Only one roofing material contains a dozen species. Prices are very diverse. It all depends on the manufacturer and the life of the material.
It is possible to cover the roof with roofing material yourself only when all the lessons have been learned. However, if there is at least one doubt that everything will go well, it would be better to turn to specialists. They will help to calculate the right amount of material and perform the work efficiently.
Do not save on the roof. Otherwise, it will be necessary to repair not only the roof that will leak, but also to repair the apartment or house.
How to cover the roof with roofing material correctly and quickly
Despite the fact that new slate roofing materials have long been replaced by slate and roofing material, their popularity continues to be kept at a fairly high level. After all, laying roofing material on the roof of a wooden house, bathhouse, barn or garage is an easy and quick process. Only two people can perform it, and the price of this material is captivating with its availability. For these reasons, most often roofing materials are laid on the roof by the owners of small suburban or village houses.
Preparation of the roof for laying roofing material
In order for the roof covered with roofing material to last as long as possible, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the crate of the roof itself.
Since roofing material is a flexible material, it can be damaged even by minor loads. For example, a hat of snow lying on the roof. And not so much in winter as during spring snowmelt – on those days when the snow cap slides down the roof slope.
A roof covered with roofing material does not mean winter cleaning with a shovel, so it will have to bear the load of the entire snow cap all winter.
For this reason, it is recommended to arrange not so much a crate of boards (as is often done in increments of 10-15 cm), but a continuous undercoat of sheets of plywood, chipboard, OSB boards or similar materials. In a word, for the correct laying of roofing material, it is necessary to exclude even the probability of deflection of the roofing material itself between the boards of a non-continuous crate.
How to cover the roof with a roofing material yourself
Depending on the slope of the roof, the roofing material is laid in several layers – from two, to, in some cases, five.
The greater the slope of the roof of a wooden house, the fewer layers of roofing material must be laid. That is, if the slope is pretty steep (30-45 o ), then you can easily get by with two layers – the underlying and the outer.
But if the roof surface tends to be more horizontal, then the number of layers must be increased. So for a slope of 15-20 about you need to lay 2, or preferably 3 layers.
The technology of laying roofing material on a pitched roof can be implemented in one of three ways. But no matter what method you choose, you need to consider that you should leave the overhangs of the sheets of roofing material to the sides, so that later they overlap the pediments and close the ends of the roof.
Close the pediment
- The first option, the most common, which can be seen most often on roofs, is laying roofing sheets of sheets from top to bottom, along the roof slope. With this method, the laying of sheets must begin from the pediment, which is most of the year on the leeward side, and sequentially move to the opposite edge of the roof.
Depending on the area of the roof of the wooden house, it may well turn out that the length of each sheet will be enough to cover both sides of the roof at once.
If the length of one sheet at once to cover both sides of the roof is not enough, then each roof slope is covered separately, and an overlap of the roofing material sheet through the ridge is arranged, 20-30 centimeters in each direction.
The first option for laying roofing material
- The second option involves laying roofing material across the roof slope, the so-called “herringbone”. Laying starts from the bottom, leaving 20-30 cm in order to bend the roofing material along the edge of the roof and sew it with slats or metal tape.
Bending roofing material under the roof slope
When laying roofing material they move from bottom to top, and the roof ridge is closed with one sheet of roofing material with an overlap immediately on both sides of the roof.
The second option for laying roofing material
- The third method involves combined styling, that is, as the underlying layer, one method of laying ruberoid is used, and for the outer layer, the second is used.
The third option for laying roofing material
The edges of the sheets of roofing material are fixed with wooden slats or a strip of metal. The use of slats to fix the laid roofing material is not always justified, since over time the slats can begin to plague, and as a result, in some places they simply stop pressing the roofing material to the roof. Water begins to flow into these places, with the wind blowing garbage, sand, dust, dry leaves from the trees. As a result, the process of decay begins, and the roofing begins to require repair.
Often, wooden slats are used to lay roofing material on top of the old shingles on rustic wooden houses. In such cases, the rail perfectly presses the roofing material to the bumps of such a coating.
Therefore, for new homes with smooth surfaces of roof slopes, metal strips are often used – steel or aluminum.
Also, overlays of sheets of roofing material on each other can be additionally coated with pre-heated mastics or bitumen for gluing together.
Repair of roofing from roofing material
In order to repair the leaky places on the roof of a wooden house covered with roofing material, you need to perform only a few simple steps.
What you need to have available:
Bitumen mastic, ruberoid roll, carpentry knife or scissors, stiff bristle brush, hammer, nails and pliers.
- Bubbles with water or air are cut with cross-shaped cuts, the space of the bubbles inside is cleaned and dried.
- Plots of rotten or torn roofing material with a knife are removed to smooth edges in large whole sections.
- The edges of the old roofing material are brushed away from debris, sand, dust. You can also handle them with gasoline.
- If necessary, remove a portion of the metal tape and nails so that they do not fall under a new roofing material, which they can then easily tear from the inside.
- A patch prepared in advance in size from a new roofing material is glued with an overlap on the repaired area onto a heated mastic.
- The edges of the patch are strongly pressed and smoothed so that voids do not form in the places of gluing. Then the patch can be completely once again smeared with mastic or bitumen.
Sometimes after completing all measures to clean up problem areas, dry bubbles and remove rails, tapes and nails, the entire roof is simply rediscovered over the old roofing material, but in this case it’s better to completely remove the old roofing material.
How to cover the roof with roofing material
Roofing material in roofing works has been used for a very long time, its popularity in recent years has declined somewhat due to the appearance of more modern and effective materials. However, many owners still cover wooden houses, country houses, baths, garages and outbuildings with roofing material.
About how to cover the roof with roofing material yourself, how to choose and lay this traditional roofing material – this article.
Material Features
Ruberoid is a roll material that has several layers. It is based on cardboard or paper impregnated with bitumen. On both sides the paper base is covered with liquid bitumen, after which the front layer is covered with fine-grained stone materials. This can be mica, flint, sand or other materials, crushed to a fine fraction.
A hard coating is necessary to give the roof more rigidity, strength, tensile strength. Still, this roughness allows you to move on roofs covered with roofing felt.
In addition to domestic cardboard-based coatings, there are more modern varieties with a core made of fiberglass, polyethylene and other synthetic materials. Such brands are called evoruberoid, it is considered more reliable in terms of waterproofing and more durable.
Attention! Euroruberoid can be laid one layer less than the domestic counterpart.
Choose roofing material on the roof in accordance with the type of roof and material labeling. So, they distinguish:
- roofing and lining roofing material. The first is more dense and has a hard coating of stone chips on the outer layer. This material is used specifically for covering roofs. A lining view is necessary to isolate the foundation, Mauerlat and other building structures. Another lining ruberoid is used as a substrate under a layer of roofing material.
- Coating with a fine-grained, scaly, dusty, coarse-grained coating is distinguished by the type of spraying. As a lining for roofs with a small slope, it is recommended to use a roofing material with fine-grained or dust-like spraying, but strips with a larger stone crumb are more suitable as an external roofing material.
- Another characteristic of roofing material is density. It is measured in grams per square meter. As a rule, lining types of roofing material have an indicator of 200-300 grams / square meter, while for roofing species this characteristic is 350-400 g \ m².
Having determined the type of material, it is necessary to calculate the amount of this coating to cover the roof.
How to calculate the amount of roofing material for the roof
It all depends on the type of roof:
- pitched roofs with an inclination angle of 30 or more degrees can be covered with two layers of roofing material, of which one is lining, and the second is external.
- roofs with a smaller angle of inclination (up to 15 degrees) can be covered with three layers of coating (the top (roofing) type of material should always be one, only lining ruberoid is laid in several layers).
Roofs with a very slight slope are covered with four layers of roofing material.
On flat roofs, which include slopes with an angle of inclination of up to 6 degrees, lay roofing material in five layers.
Now you need to calculate the area of the ramps in order to understand how many strips of coverage will be needed. At the same time, such factors are taken into account:
- standard roll width with ruberoid – 100 cm;
- the length of the rolls is usually 10-15 meters, euroroofing material is packed in rolls of 20 meters long;
- the overlap between adjacent strips should be from 7 to 20 cm. This size increases as the slope angle decreases, that is, for flat roofs, the overlap should be maximum, since here the greatest probability of stagnation of water.
Important! Ruberoid rolls can only be stored in an upright state. If they are put on the ground, the layers can stick together with bitumen.
How to cover the roof with roofing material
Having decided on the quantity and type of material, they begin to prepare the roof for overlapping.
As a rule, roofing material is laid on wooden or reinforced concrete roofs. This is due to the fact that the material is quite fragile – the sheets are easily torn under a point load. That is, for the long-term service of the roofing material there should be no sagging of the coating, so it is best to lay it on a continuous surface.
Foundation preparation
Flat roofs are almost always made of reinforced concrete slabs or concrete screeds; there are no problems with the evenness of these surfaces. The only thing – if roofing material is laid on an already operating structure, the roof should be cleaned of old roofing materials.
On wooden roofs, a crate is prepared for the installation of roofing material. As a crate, you can use moisture-resistant plywood, oriented chipboard or other flat base. If the crate is made of boards, the gap between them should not exceed 1 cm.
The roofs are cleaned of debris, eliminated gaps and cracks, thoroughly dried.
Advice! If the weather is wet, you can use a building hair dryer to dry the roof.
How to put ruberoid
The process and method of laying roofing material on the roof depends on its type and size. So, if the roof is flat with a slight slope towards the drain, the strips of material are laid parallel to the upper point, starting from the slope.
In this case, you must first lay four backing layers. To make the roof airtight, each next layer is laid perpendicular to the previous one.
Important! On operated flat roofs, it is recommended to use a roofing material not of a lining type, but a fine-grained roofing or with dust-like spraying. This will increase the strength and rigidity of the structure.
On reinforced concrete flat roofs it is very convenient to use a fused euroroofing material. Such panels on the one hand have a dusting of stone chips, and on the other, a plastic film with markings.
It is necessary to cover the roof with this material as follows:
- The roll is heated with a gas burner until the whip with the marking turns white.
- Unwind the roll half a turn.
- Spread the unwound part and press it with your feet or with a special skating rink.
- Continue laying in this way until the end of the ramp.
The complexity of this method lies in the fact that the coating is very easy to melt – only a specialist can perform its high-quality heating by the burner. How this is done is shown in the video:
It is much simpler and more affordable to use a more traditional option – bitumen mastic for fixing roofing material.
There are two varieties of bitumen mastic:
- cold, which is sold ready-made. To get started, just open the can and apply mastic on the roof base with a brush. The cost of such mastic is quite high, it is not comparable with the price of roofing material.
- a more affordable option is to heat the solid mastic in the boiler and apply it hot on the roof base.
Advice! You can use a more convenient way of thinning bitumen tar – to heat it and add to gasoline. By stirring this mass and adding to it the waste engine oil, a mastic that does not solidify for a certain time is obtained, which does not need to be constantly heated.
The gable roof option can be covered in several ways, it all depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes and their length:
- If the slopes are more gentle, they are more prone to leakage and moisture accumulation. On such roofs, it is necessary to put three or four layers of roofing material, begin laying from the eaves line, parallel to the ridge. From the first strip, measure 20-30 cm and tuck this piece under the cornice, closing it and protecting it from moisture and wind load. You can fix the roofing material by lubricating the entire area of the wooden coating with mastic, or by spreading only overlays with bitumen. In the latter embodiment, roofing material along the entire plane of the roof is additionally fixed with metal strips or wooden bars. On the ridge line, the strip is bent onto another slope and carefully fixed with roofing nails or pressure strips, the edges must be coated with bitumen.
- Roofs with more inclined slopes can be blocked by the method indicated above or use another scheme – lay the roofing material perpendicular to the ledge. In this case, they begin laying from the pediment, which is more susceptible to wind load. From the pediments, it is also necessary to leave a stock of roofing material of 20-30 cm to close the edges of the roof. You can lay the material in such a way as to capture two slopes at once, throwing strips through the ridge – this can only be done when there is enough material length. You can learn more about how to block your house or outbuilding with roofing material from this video:
Tips & Tricks
To summarize all that has been said, we can note several nuances of working with roofing material as roofing material:
- the strength of the bitumen coating and its wear resistance, however, are insufficient for continuous operation. Therefore, for capital buildings, it is recommended to put slate, metal profile or ondulin on top of the roofing material.
- it is necessary to take into account the load from snow masses. If the snow cap is large when it begins to melt and descend the slope, the roofing material can easily break or crack.
- it is not necessary to use resin for the installation of the coating, as was done before. The resin dries very quickly and cracks, violating the tightness of the roof.
So, roofing material is not recommended to be used as the final roof overlap on major buildings, but the strength and tightness of this material is quite enough for temporary purposes.
Device, proper installation, options with video and expert advice
Ruberoid is one of the most affordable universal materials that have been tested for strength over the years. It can be used both as the main roofing material, and as an auxiliary insulator, it is no worse than a reliable metal roof. However, working with him alone is not as easy as it might seem. Of course, it is easiest to invite repair specialists, but sometimes circumstances do not allow this, and you have to do all the work yourself.
To independently master the laying of roofing material on the roof, you need to prepare in advance for all the difficult moments of work and the technological subtleties that are described below in this article.
Characteristics of the roofing material – roofing material
The soft and elastic roofing material received a second name – roofing cardboard, since earlier only cardboard, which was impregnated with bitumen, served as the basis for it. But thanks to technological progress, which “does not stand still”, fiberglass or PVC fabric is used as the basis of modern roofing material. Therefore, for a long time (including now) it is used as an independent roofing, as well as for waterproofing roofs, foundations.
At a fairly low cost, roofing material is an excellent alternative to expensive roofing materials, and in some cases it is not only cost saving, but also the only rational solution (flat and some pitched roofs, visors of balconies).
The main advantages of roofing coat :
- Resistance to: temperature precipitation, temperature extremes and ultraviolet rays.
- Practicality. Easy to maintain and repair.
- Long term of operation.
- Relatively easy installation.
The production of roofing roofing material consists of the following steps :
- Making the base – roofing cardboard.
- Impregnation of the base material with soft bituminous resins.
- Double-sided coating with refractory bitumen
- Application of fine-grained dusting on both sides of the material
- Coating the top layer with coarse grained powder.
It is important to remember that the base (cardboard) is the most vulnerable part of the coating. If it nourishes moisture, then after some time, the roofing material will begin to decay. When wet, the cardboard swells slightly and it is immediately visible and therefore it is easy to determine the need for repair.
We cover the roof with roofing material
There are cases when the roof bends under the weight of the roofing, repeatedly weighted by various atmospheric phenomena (snow, wind). To prevent this, it is necessary to strengthen the gable roof frame (rafter system), which accounts for the main load and compare it with the specific gravity of the roofing material (roofing material in this case).
The roofing material coating on the roof, depending on the slope, can be in several layers (from 2 to 5). For example, it is better to lay less than 5 layers on a flat operated roof for reliability, and 4 is quite enough for an unexploited roof.
For roofs with a slope of 6 ° – 20 °, 4 layers of material should also be laid. With a slope of 20 ° to 40 °, a 3-layer coating is more often used, and from 45 ° a double is sufficient: one underlying and one outer.
Roofing marking
The main characteristics of the roofing material (and, accordingly, the field of application) depend on the density of the base (cardboard) and are contained in the digital part of the material labeling: RKK 350, RPP 300, RM 350 and so on. The letters in the marking mean: the name of the material (the first letter is roofing material), the purpose (the second letter is roofing or lining), the type of powder (the third letter is dusty, coarse-grained, fine-grained or scaly).
Sometimes in the marking there is the letter C, which means colored sprinkling, or the letter E – elasticity. In other words, the popular roofing material with the RKK 350 marking is an external roofing material with a cardboard base with a density of at least 350 g / m2 with coarse-grained spraying.
It is important to know ! The roofing material is rolled up in rolls with a total area of up to 10 sq.m. whose weight depends on the brand.
Roofing materials of the following grades are suitable for the upper layers of the roof: RKK-420A, RKK-420B, RC-420, RKK-350B, RKP-350B, RKP-350A, RKCh-350B. For the middle and lower layers (lining) – RPE-300, RPP-300B, RPP-300A.
The top layer of the roofing is often laid out with the RKK 400 brand, given the high resistance of the material to environmental influences. As a lining material, for the middle and lower layers, it is best to use roofing material RKP 350. This will provide reliable moisture-proof protection for various buildings and structures (including garages).
To ensure a more reliable waterproofing of rooms with a specific microclimate (for example, basements), experienced craftsmen advise using a fused roofing material. It has a denser upper layer and an additional lower one, made of special mastic, thanks to which, the material can be quickly glued with kerosene or white spirit.
We cover the gable roof with roofing material
When using a roofing roofing material, it is necessary to know and take into account some features of the technological process, especially if the building has a complex roof configuration.
Firstly, installation work is carried out only in dry, calm weather.
Secondly, the surface for laying must be prepared for the job (on flat roofs, irregularities are covered with cement mortar, for pitched roofs, a crate is prepared).
Joint seams and other problem areas are necessarily reinforced with waterproofing mastic.
As an example, consider laying roofing material on a gable roof attic with a crate.
We prepare all the necessary tools in advance, it is important to find a high stable ladder, with which you can work with the highest part of the farm and securely fix the crate.
If you have to work alone, then you should take care of a device that will allow you to hold a roll of roofing felt while it is attached to the crate.
Alternatively, a z-shaped hook (Z) can be made from thick wire, it is important that the length of the tool is equal to the width of the coating roll. Using such a hook is quite simple, but you need to get used to it: we hook the canvas on one side of the “squiggle” and fix the battens on the board with the other. Thus, it turns out that the non-working part of the roll is held in suspension until the main part of the material is fixed, and with a certain skill, you can cope with the installation yourself, without any help.
The installation of the grating of the gable roof with the attic is more convenient to carry out in the attic. You need to stick the first board between the two farms and slightly bait it from the outside, without fully securing it. Then repeat the manipulations from the inside. Having completed the first flight in this way, you can proceed to the next and so on to the end.
It will be much easier to cope with the installation if you use boards that are longer than two spans of the farm. They (boards) are much more convenient to stack and deploy over the roof.
Another subtlety : you need to start the crate from the bottom edge of the roof, gradually rising up until the moment when the width of the structure is sufficient to secure the roll of coating. This will be extremely difficult later.
Using a special tool (suggested in the article or another), fix the roofing felt roll and continue working.
Laying the last strip of coverage is a certain difficulty, since it must be fixed on the outside of the roof. To simplify the task, think over the sequence of actions on the ground, without nervousness with a hanging roll.
You need to complete this section of work on horseback, climbing the stairs. Here the maneuverability will be a little wider, and the front of the work performed is small, so do not worry and calmly finish the work.
Climb onto the horse with the roofing material in your hands. Then unwind the roll and fasten it from the outside using your tool. Fasten the final part of the coating, process the joint seams and all.
The main thing is to protect yourself when performing high-altitude work – use a safety rope or a thick rope for these purposes.
Work with surfacing material will require overalls and gloves.
The following video will help to properly fix the roofing material on the bottom row
How to block the roof with roofing material correctly: useful installation tips
Roof covered with roofing material
Ruberoid is a roll of insulating material, which is often used in cases where it is necessary to cover a flat roof. This is one of the cheapest ways to protect against rainfall, but anyone who knows how to block the roof with roofing material will be able to quickly repair the old roof and not get into a difficult situation after the first rain begins. So if you are also interested in the question of overlapping the roof with a roofing material with your own hands, then our article will be very helpful: we will tell you useful tips on how to block the roof with a roofing material.
Features of roofing material
Ruberoid is a reliable durable and practical option that can be used for both residential and utility buildings. Despite the simplicity of the installation technology of this material, you will need several experienced assistants who will allow you to complete the work quickly and with minimal problems. Below are the features of roofing material:
It is absolutely impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question “how to cover the roof”, as well as how to the question “which roof is the best” – these are individual choices of each.
- Life time. It is at least 5 years, which at a relatively low cost makes this material very attractive for equipping roofs of farm buildings, and it can be used for residential buildings.
- Practicality. A properly made roofing from roofing material does not require any maintenance. Only at the end of the service life of the material will it need to be shut off.
- Resistance to UV radiation. Modern materials have a special sprinkling of mineral chips, which provides increased resistance to UV radiation. They can also withstand both low and high temperatures.
The material is also not afraid of water, and when properly installed, it will become a reliable barrier to moisture. In the general case, roofing material is a multilayer sheet, the basis for which is special cardboard. On top of it, bitumen and other components are already applied. Due to the use of a cheap base, the cost of the finished product is also low, but those who do not know how to cover the roof with roofing material can make a number of mistakes that will lead to the fact that the cardboard layer is exposed. The base will begin to gain moisture, and the roofing material will swell and lose most of its properties.
The weight of the roofing material is relatively small, so a particularly powerful rafter system is not required, but you need to remember that there can be wind and snow loads, which should be taken into account when designing the base for the roof.
Roofing marking
Ruberoid rolls
There are several types of such materials, and each of them is designed to solve a certain range of problems. To simplify the selection procedure, we will decipher the abbreviations used to denote this material.
The first letter is “P” – it speaks of the name of the material “roofing material”. The second may be the letter “K”, which says its purpose, and the density of the base shows the next figure after the letters. The density itself is indicated in grams per m2. The second “K” is the roofing, and “P” is the lining. In the general case, roofing material can be divided into 4 more groups. According to the type of topping, there are:
- “K” is coarse-grained;
- “P” is dusty;
- “M” – fine-grained;
- “H” is scaly.
The choice of any type of material depends on the type and shape of the roof, as well as on the expected impacts on it. Before you cover the roof with roofing material, you need to take care of the preparation of everything necessary for such work. First of all, you need to prepare the mastic.
Cooking bitumen mastic
Bituminous mastics come in 2 types – cold and hot. In order to get the first version of mastic you need to stock up with kerosene, bitumen and filler. Bitumen can be BN-90/10, and asbestos proved to be excellent as a filler.
Bitumen must be brought to a boil, and then kept in this state until the foam no longer forms. This is necessary to remove impurities.
Laying bitumen mastic
After cooling the mixture, a finished mass is obtained, which can be used to glue the rolled material to a concrete surface. At 20C, it is a homogeneous mass, which has a semi-liquid consistency and has a characteristic odor of solvent.
Hot mastic can also be cooked in a bucket, but in this case it will constantly “burn”, therefore it is better to stock up with a thick-walled boiler, which will also have a lid.
After the bitumen is freed from packaging, you need to try to avoid getting foreign impurities and various debris on it, so the lid on the boiler will come in handy.
Those who for the first time are wondering “how to cover the roof with roofing material?” Should perform the following operations to prepare the mastic:
- The boiler is filled with pieces of bitumen for 2/3 of the volume, after which you can start heating. The process should go evenly, which means that the composition cannot be overheated and it is better to use a slow fire. When the contents of the boiler turn into a homogeneous mass, care must be taken to remove impurities that appear on the surface.
Foam can be removed using a conventional tin can, which should be nailed to the cutting board or timber. This will allow you to clean the surface of the mixture with minimal risk to the skin.
- The temperature in the boiler can range from 150 to 200 ° C, so the preparation time of the mastic will vary from 3 hours to an hour. It is not recommended to increase the temperature, since with a higher value, the quality of the mastic can significantly decrease, and with a further increase, ignition will begin.
- Filler is introduced into the heated bitumen. Peat crumbs, fine sawdust, flour, various varieties of asbestos or ground chalk can claim this role. Any of these substances must first be dried and passed through a sieve.
To get 10 kilograms of bitumen mastic, you will need to use the ratio of bitumen and filler 8 to 2.
- Bitumen is heated until the foam stops rising, after which filler is introduced. In the process of adding powder, you need to mix the composition.
- At the next stage, the used oil is poured into the mixture, which is also desirable to prepare in sufficient quantities. Simultaneously with the application of oil, the contents of the boiler must be mixed.
Oil application is the final stage in the preparation of hot mastic. Obviously, such a mastic needs to be prepared right before covering the roof with roofing material, since it retains its properties only in the hot state.
It should also be noted that increasing the temperature and igniting the mixture in the boiler will lead to the fact that the mastic itself will not be used. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to cover the boiler with a lid or a metal sheet, however it is better not to use even an extinct mixture.
You can avoid ignition by paying a little attention to the surface of bitumen. If the temperature is normal, then gray smoke comes from the boiler, and the mixture hisses slightly. If you observe bubbles and yellow smoke, the coking process is already underway and the temperature needs to be urgently reduced.
We cover the gable roof with roofing material
In order to fix the roofing material on the rafter roof, you will need to use a continuous crate, which will avoid the appearance of gaps or sagging. This design can be made of durable plywood or boards, and only then proceed with the installation of roofing material. This work is best done together, since it will be necessary to unwind the roll around the crate and at the same time hold the rest of it.
If the work is done alone, it makes sense to make a Z-shaped holder for a roll from a thick steel bar, which will allow you to perform this work without any additional help.
The ruberoid is laid in layers, however, the last 2 run can cause some difficulties, since it will be necessary to lay it from the outside. To do this, use the stairs. Obviously, if you think not about how to cover the roof with roofing material, but about economy, then nothing good will come of it. Before starting work, it is necessary to develop a suitable installation option for the lathing and a method for laying roll material.
Features of the installation of roofing material
Installation of roofing material
The first rule that you need to learn when working with this material is that you need to lay it on a clean foundation. For example, if there are various contaminants, dust or moss, they must be removed. Of course, in each case, the problems can be different, therefore, it does not hurt to seek the advice of a specialist who can not only prompt, but also help with complex calculations.
The minimum number of layers for any type of roof is two, and the lower of them should be laid with the litter type material, and roofing material with topping is placed on top of it. Today, euroroofing material is of most interest.
The film used to protect the bottom layer is also an indicator of temperature, so when it turns white and burns out, you can start laying the euroruberoid. It is better not to overheat the sheets themselves, since they can lose their characteristics or completely melt.
The installation technology of euroroofing material consists of several stages, in the first of which you need to prepare the base. Typically, the coating is coated with mastic and then warmed up with a gas burner. Then comes the turn of roofing material, which they try to evenly distribute on the roof surface so that there are no distortions. The next step is material leveling, performed using a special roller.
Of course, you can do without this procedure, but air will remain under the roofing material layer. Such caverns will be a place of condensate formation, which means that the site will gradually become unusable and will require repair. Usually, all the subtle moments are thought out before covering the roof with roofing material.
Properly laid web material does not have any air defects.
To eliminate pockets where air is contained, you can use rags collected in a roll, which you can tap on the roofing material, attaching it to the base of the roof. If the fit of the material is insufficient, you need to use a wooden rail.
Stacked roofing material
Sometimes a reinforcing mesh is laid on the mastic. This step is not always used, but it is attractive in that the roll material will not slip during gluing, and the fit to the base will be more dense.
All work is best done in dry weather at a positive temperature. In frost, roofing material can be easily damaged, so its installation is most often performed in the warm season. To simplify the work, it is better to cut the material into fragments of the desired length in advance. The marking is best done with a margin, since the edges should be tucked under the base of the roof. Stock is usually selected at least 20 cm.
How to repair a roof from roofing material
If any violations were made in the installation technology, then various defects can occur on the roof itself, which will not be so easy to eliminate, however, a correctly executed coating requires timely repair.
Maintenance is much cheaper than capital repairs, and much faster. First you need to determine the location of the damage, after which the gravel sprinkle is swept away with a dry brush. In this situation, it is advisable to use a building hair dryer, which will deal much faster with natural pollution in the form of moss and remove other solid particles, as well as dirt.
A cross-shaped incision is made in the center of the marked zone, and the base area under the roofing material is thoroughly cleaned and dried. Then, heated mastic is applied here, after which the edges of the cut are pressed. To align in this situation, you can use the roller to roll wallpaper.
If the edges do not converge, then it is worth using a reinforcing polyester pad or waterproofing tape. If work is carried out at high humidity, you can use a waterproofing tape, the use of which is described on the package.
The tips given in this article can help even a novice builder to prevent stupid mistakes, the price of which could be an overhaul of the roof. We talked in detail about how to properly cover the roof with roofing material, and even described the process of making mastic. Here, only the technology of creating the crate was omitted, since it has already been repeatedly described in our other articles.