Insulation of Floors in a Wooden House

Interfloor insulation in a wooden house - How to insulate the overlap of a wooden hous insulation tipsHow to insulate the floor of a wooden house: insulation tips

Proper insulation of the floors in a wooden house and the ceiling will reliably protect the home from the penetration of cold air. In addition, this will increase sound absorption and protect against moisture. Next, we consider all the nuances of this operation.

What materials to use – choose the best option

Various materials can be used to insulate the space between floors. Next, we consider the most popular of them and their features.


This is the least effective, but is still popular. It can only be recommended for residents of warm regions, where houses do not need thorough thermal insulation. Its main advantage is low cost. In addition, it gives excellent sound insulation (on the lower floor you will not hear steps or movement of furniture). Another plus is that it’s easy to work with.

It makes no sense to list all the disadvantages of the foam because it has the worst technical characteristics in its class. In cold regions, its use is practically meaningless.

Extruded Styrofoam

Most often it is called penoplex, and also confused with polystyrene (they look similar in appearance). They have only raw materials, but production methods differ radically. As a result, the house insulation turns out to be very dense, so it can be plastered right away, or used as a rough floor. Features are as follows:

  • High density.
  • Lowest thermal conductivity (best in class). This indicates maximum efficiency.
  • Easy to use (easy to cut).
  • Harmless to humans.
  • Very lightweight, so there is no need to create a solid structure between floors.
  • On (class G4). Apart from the high cost, this is the only drawback.

Foiled Polyethylene Foam

Despite its subtlety, it is a very effective insulation. It can be recommended in cases where there is not enough space between floors to insert a thicker mat. However, such material is often used for other reasons.

It is sold in the form of rolls with a width of 100-120 cm, and the thickness can reach 2 cm. It almost completely reflects heat, preventing it from going outside. The main feature is that it is not at all “afraid” of moisture, which is why it is often used to create a waterproofing layer. For houses located in areas of the far north, we can recommend the combined use of foam and foil polyethylene (laid as a vapor barrier film).

Mineral Wool

Mineral wool is the most popular insulation today, which is used in all areas. The basalt variety is most effective, therefore it is on it that we will stop.

Tip: for warmer regions, you can safely use glass wool.

We highlight the key advantages:

  • Not combustible (unlike glass wool).
  • High compressive strength.
  • Good hydrophobicity.
  • Gives additional sound insulation (in this it wins the penoplex). On the lower floor you will not hear steps from above.
  • Resistance to natural and chemical irritants.

It is difficult to distinguish pronounced minuses (apart from the high cost). Along with penoplex this is the most effective option.

In the table below, you can see a comparison of the described insulation by the main characteristics.

Warming recommendations

The technology of insulation of the floor of a wooden house practically does not differ from standard insulation procedures. However, certain nuances are still present. Therefore, we will consider this process in detail.

Study preliminary manipulations

Warming of the interfloor space of a wooden house will allow you to reliably keep heat. This procedure consists in laying thermal insulation material between the beams. The easiest option is to work on the second floor (that is, lay the floor).

If you do the installation from below, you will have to mount the insulation on the ceiling, which is much more difficult (installation of the canopy takes a lot of effort). First, you need to make preparatory operations:

  • Remove the entire floor from the second floor. First, dismantle the finish. If it is plywood or a similar material, then unscrew the sheets with a screwdriver. With a laminate, parquet or linoleum it is still simpler – you just need to remove the coating.
  • We also disassemble the rough coating. If the house is relatively new and everything is in good condition, then do it carefully so as not to damage anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to install everything back.
  • As a rough floor for the second floor (if we are talking about a wooden house), as a rule, use thick plywood or “magpie” (40 mm thick board). If the coating is screwed on, we use a screwdriver, and for nails you will need a pull out.

Important! You can only step on the beams, because the ceiling of the first floor of the house will not support the weight of a person.

  • As a result, we must get to the wooden beams, which serve as the guarantor of the strength of the house. There should not be anything between them, so we remove all the garbage, the remains of the old insulation (if any), etc.
  • Wooden elements of the house need additional protection, so we coat the entire space with antiseptics or similar compounds. This will prevent wood rot.
  • So that in the process of work you can safely walk along the second floor, we throw several boards along the beams.

Thermal insulation installation and final stages

So, the space between the floors is prepared and it remains to produce insulation. We work in the following sequence:

  • Carefully evaluate the integrity of the coatings – through cracks are unacceptable. If they are, coat with sealant or cement mortar. Even the smallest gaps will promote air circulation, which will lead to heat loss and active condensation.
  • After making sure the integrity of the coating, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film. It will protect the heat insulator from condensation (from the 1st floor). In stores, you can find many analogues with different characteristics and, as a result, prices. However, in terms of efficiency, there are few differences, so it makes no sense to purchase expensive models.
  • Measure the space between the beams and add 10-15 cm to it. Cut the pieces of film and glue it to the surface. The material should go a little on the beams (for this they left excess).

Tip: if there is space between the beam and the floor of the first floor, it is better to lay the film under it over the entire area.

Installation diagram

  • Now we put insulation in the interfloor space, avoiding even the slightest cracks. If mineral wool is selected, then we cut it with a margin, since it is compressed.
  • From above (on beams) throughout the floor area we lay a second layer of moisture insulation. The result will be something like a sandwich – a design in which the thermal insulation material is reliably protected from all natural factors.
  • We close the logs (plywood, boards, etc.) and lay the final floor.

That’s all. To achieve maximum protection of the home from cold air, it is necessary to isolate all floors, avoiding the slightest gaps.

How to make installation of insulation of floors in a wooden house: Tips and Tricks

In this article we will talk about how do-it-yourself floor overlapping is done in a wooden house.

Consider the most commonly used materials for thermal insulation in a room. We learn their main characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and also choose the most environmentally friendly insulation.

Also, we describe some features of the installation of insulation in wooden houses.

Materials for insulation

Types of materials

The types of materials used to warm the flooring in a wooden house are distinguished by production technology and constituent components. The choice of material also depends on the place of use.

To warm the floors in the house, various methods are used.

Let’s consider some of them:

  1. Insulation plate;
  2. Bulk materials;
  3. Thermal insulation spraying;
  4. Rolled materials;
  5. Foil.

According to the rules of the flooring of such materials, you can use one type or several at a time. Bulk materials such as expanded clay, slag, dry organics, are placed on the logs with a layer of 4 to 5 cm, on top of the vapor barrier (roofing material).

In the attic you need to lay a solid floor in which the logs under the expanded clay are placed on top of the cement screed, and then covered with plywood. Other flooring materials can also be used.

Technical wool

Relating to rolled materials, it is considered one of the most convenient ways to warm floors between floors.

But, unfortunately, this is not the most environmentally friendly material, because it contains a suspension, which subsequently appears on the skin and lungs of a person and provokes the occurrence of irritations.

Such material is most suitable for use in non-residential buildings or for cladding external walls.

Tile material

It is convenient for warming wooden floors in a private house, for installation in 2 layers. To prevent the formation of gaps, the material is placed in the form of a checkerboard, and also use tow.

Note. It is necessary to insulate the ceiling from the side of the roof, to save heat in the room, since warm masses of air always rise up.

Features of materials for insulation of floors in a wooden house

Mineral basalt wool is a low-cost material with good heat-insulating qualities, but not suitable for people prone to allergies. Vata is known for its durability and ease of installation.

Basalt wool

It is made from waste from rock processing, and therefore its cost is not high.

It is delivered in the form of plates and briquettes. In cold regions of the Russian Federation for quality thermal insulation it is necessary to lay cotton with a layer of 15 – 20 cm.

To cut cotton wool, use a knife or scissors, and lay the layer tightly to the layer. Plus this material in the absence of the need for vapor barrier.


To lay the mineral wool with your own hands in the attic, you need to install a crate to prevent caking of the material. When working with cotton wool, you must adhere to safety rules and wear glasses, gloves and a respirator.

Glass wool

It is similar to the mineral wool in technical specifications, but it has a different composition. Glass wool is inferior to the mineral wool in fire resistance, but at the same time, its price is much lower.

During work on the insulation of floors in a wooden house, it is also necessary to use protective equipment, since the material causes severe irritation to the skin and mucous membranes.


It is made from fibrous cellulose, therefore it does not cause allergies. The material is fireproof, impregnated with special substances, but its price is higher than other analogues.

It requires preliminary installation of a vapor barrier to insulate the floors, and at the same time it does not lend itself to putrefactive processes and is not covered by mold. Ecowool should not be laid in attics, because the material is susceptible to drafts.


As bulk materials, residents of Primorye use algae, and mice and rats do not like them. As insulating material, a mixture of sawdust and slag, hay, expanded clay, dry leaves and straw will fit.

Bulk material for insulation of floors between floors is packed in a low layer under a burlap of cellulose and fixed in the inter-beam space using a lathing.

Expanded clay

Poured into logs, and also mixed with polystyrene. The downside is that such a composition is very attractive to rodents, the natural components are compressed over time and lose their original function – to keep heat. Also, expanded clay is too heavy material for roof insulation.

Polyfoam and expanded polystyrene

Cheap materials, and at the same time, they have high strength. It is easy to cut and fasten, even in 2 layers.

It requires preliminary installation of a vapor barrier to prevent condensation from entering the living rooms. It has a low level of fire resistance, and is very fond of mice.

In a fire, hazardous substances are released into the environment. Easy to cut and assemble. The material must be laid tightly without gaps; for this, mounting foam is often used.

Polyurethane foam spraying

To warm the flooring in a wooden house is a very good way. It looks like a surface covered with snow.

At a price this material is more expensive than other heaters, but at the same time it is environmentally friendly and durable. On average, such spraying is enough for 40 – 50 years.


Warming of the floor in a wooden house with a combination of foil materials and vapor barrier is the most durable and reliable way.

It avoids gaps through which the penetration of cold masses is possible.

Often the lining of the attic is completely done from the inside, with wooden beams inclusive, although there is no great need for this. As an exception, such work is carried out in the attic, for further use of the premises for permanent residence.

Characterization of thermal insulation materials

The production of materials for keeping heat indoors keeps pace with the times. Every year, new improved materials come into production.

In the first place is the health of consumers and the environment. KnauF heaters fully comply with these requirements.

Sustainability in fashion, as well as caring for your own body.

When choosing materials, it is first necessary to pay attention to:

  • heat conductivity level;
  • ease;
  • moisture resistance;
  • fire resistance;
  • low level of toxic substances or their absence;
  • non-susceptibility to putrefactive and fungal processes;
  • breathability;
  • resistance to rodent attacks;
  • flexibility and strength at the same time;
  • sorption humidity;
  • heat and frost resistance.

The level of heat storage varies from 15% to 35%. In areas with a harsh climate, it is necessary to carefully insulate the floors in the attic, otherwise considerable amounts will have to be thrown out to heat the house.

A good level of attic insulation gives lower temperature drops and reduces the formation of condensation under the roof. And this, in turn, is a good protection against mold.

Important! High-quality installation of heat-insulating materials, ensures the preservation of a favorable microclimate in the house. Saves from cold in winter, and from heat in summer.

Vapor barrier moisture protection increases the operating time of the roof of the house and floors. Metal parts are less susceptible to corrosion. Correct installation of the window in the attic, as well as ventilation holes, prevent the increase in humidity and allow drafts to appear.

The absence of ice and icicles under the roof, or their minimal presence, testifies to the quality of the thermal insulation laying in the house. In order to avoid the outflow of heat from the house and the appearance of high humidity, at the initial stage of building a house, it is necessary to carefully insulate the floors.

The advantage of wood floors is the straightforward and easy installation work. Wood has a low heat conductivity, which reduces heat outflow during the operation of the housing.

Insulation works in a wooden house


Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully inspect the structure to detect mold, mildew, traces of damage by the bark beetle.

If defects are revealed by the inspection results, it is necessary to treat the affected areas with special substances. Then you can begin the installation of material for insulation of floors. If necessary, reinforce beams.


For these works, a superdiffusion membrane is used, since the waterproofing film is not suitable. The membrane reliably protects the floors from water, but allows steam to pass through.

The membrane covers the entire structure, which needs protection. Beams are wrapped with a film for waterproofing. Each free edge is left uncovered to naturally dry the beams.

Laying material for thermal insulation

Polyfoam or polystyrene, for example, is fastened with liquid nails and hardware specially designed for this purpose.

Minvata is fixed with wire. special hardware or liquid nails. You can use wire to attach the cotton.

It is possible to fasten any heat-insulating material to wooden floors using nails or self-tapping screws, which greatly simplifies installation work.

Interfloor insulation in a wooden house: do it yourself

Modern private houses are most often built two and three-story, sometimes even with balconies . Frame technology for housing construction involves the interfloor and attic floors of the material of the bearing walls – wood. Such building material itself retains heat well, but it also needs to be insulated, especially for regions with low winter temperatures.

Thermal insulation materials for multi-storey buildings

To warm the structural parts of a wooden house, manufacturers offer a wide range of heat-insulating materials:

Mineral wool

The insulation is based on natural raw materials (an alloy of volcanic rocks) with a synthetic binder. It has good heat-saving, water-repellent and fire-resistant properties. Mineral wool is produced in tiled and roll form. To warm the interfloor ceilings or the veranda from above, roll mineral wool is used, and for work from below – slab mineral wool.

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex)

The most popular insulation on the building materials market. It consists of polystyrene granules, foamed with a mixture of freon and carbon. Plates 60 * 120 cm in size with various thicknesses from 2 to 10 cm have tongue-and-groove ends, making them easy to connect with each other. Work on thermal protection foam can be done by yourself.


Bulk material consisting of cellulose, boric acid, borax and lignin. Ideal for insulation of floors in a wooden house, due to its fire resistance and water resistance. The insulation resists the effects of rot, mold, rodents and harmful insects.


The cellular structure is achieved by foaming (filling) with air of polymer granules. The foam is lightweight, well cut, does not ignite when exposed to fire, has chemical and biological resistance. It effectively performs the functions of thermal protection and sound insulation during the interfloor insulation of a wooden house.

Expanded clay

Consists of burnt clay or shale. Lightweight porous building material is suitable for warming horizontal surfaces of structural parts of a wooden house. Environmentally friendly, natural heat insulator has high strength, refractoriness and chemical inertness.

Thermal protection technology

Properly executed measures for interfloor insulation on wooden beams include a multilayer system:

  1. Between wooden beams, cranial blocks 50 * 50 mm in size are nailed end-to-end with each other – rough flooring;
  2. The flooring of the floor is covered with a vapor barrier from roofing material, glassine or plastic film;
  3. Lay a layer of insulation;
  4. Cover with a waterproofing layer – a foil or plastic film;
  5. The top floor of the frame house is made of wood, and on top of linoleum or carpet.

For the attic, you can choose a simpler thermal protection scheme. A wooden beam breaks the surface of the attic into compartments. They put a film waterproofing agent in them and fill it with ecowool or expanded clay on top. Then perform the flooring of boards or wood-fiber sheets.

When warming the frame structure, it should be noted that all building materials made of wood must be dry, impregnated with fire retardant and antifungal compounds.

If you do not save on thermal insulation in such housing there will always be a comfortable microclimate!

Instruction for soundproofing the first floor in the house with your own hands, than to insulate between floors, and price

Warming and soundproofing of interfloor wooden floors play an important role in a set of measures aimed at reducing the energy consumption of the room and the formation of an optimal microclimate in the house. If you do not confine yourself to walls, but carry out complex insulation, including the decoration of floors and ceilings, then you can not only reduce heat loss, but also minimize the cost of additional heating.

Of course, the process of thermal insulation of floors has a number of features, and it is to them that we will devote our article.

To prevent warm air from escaping through the roof, the floors should be insulated

General insulation issues

Why is warming necessary?

As a rule, when speaking about home insulation, we usually mean wall sheathing with materials with low thermal conductivity, as well as the installation of energy-saving window and door structures (see also the article “How and how to insulate walls in a wooden house inside and out correctly”).

However, heat fluxes in a residential building usually have a very complex configuration, and therefore you can not do without thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling, and sometimes interfloor ceilings.

  • Firstly, the insulation of the ground floor ceilings on wooden beams allows you to “cut off” the flow of cold air from the ground and foundation. In addition, the heat-insulating layer is usually equipped simultaneously with hydro- or vapor barrier, which makes it possible to normalize the humidity in the room.

Note! The temperature in the lower air layer has a huge impact on our comfort, so you should not neglect the arrangement of the insulated ceiling above the basement or foundation.

  • If we want the heat generated by heating devices to remain in the room as long as possible, then we will be helped by warming the wooden floor of the attic. Thanks to him, we will reduce the energy loss of the building and get the opportunity to save on heating.
  • Warming of interfloor wooden floors will also not be superfluous, especially if we have installed an autonomous heating system. In addition to savings, the thermal insulation of the floors allows us to differentiate the temperature regime: for example, we can provide more intensive heating in the nursery, and in the living room on the ground floor a temperature comfortable for adults will be maintained.
What materials should be used

Both the insulation of the flooring on wooden beams, and the thermal insulation of the floor / ceiling should be carried out using appropriate materials.

Work Algorithms

Thermal insulation of the lower floor with the arrangement of the subfloor

The floor on the ground floor needs to be insulated in almost any situation. Even if a well-maintained basement is located under it, it will still pull cold from the ground and foundation.

The instruction recommends performing all work according to this scheme:

  • On the logs or concrete base we lay the rough flooring, which will serve as the main one for the heat-insulating material. This flooring can be made from unedged boards or from thick (not less than 15 mm) plywood. Oriented particle boards or cement-bonded particle boards of suitable strength are also suitable.

Note! The diagram above shows a design option that does not require the installation of a second lag layer. In this case, the flooring is mounted on special cranial bars.

  • On top of the rough flooring we lay logs on which the floor itself will rest. At the same time, we make the step between the lags equal to the width of the insulation plate – so we will save time on fitting parts to size.
  • The height of the lag should ensure the laying of the insulating material without compression, since during deformation, most heaters increase thermal conductivity.
  • After that, we put waterproofing material on the base. If budget optimization is critically important for us, then we use dense polyethylene, if not, we get a specialized membrane.
  • On top of the waterproofing layer, we lay the plates of the heat insulator – mineral wool or polystyrene, or we fill in expanded clay.

Advice! The gaps between the lags and polystyrene plates are filled with self-expanding foam.

  • Then you can proceed to laying the floorboard or laying the base for flooring. At the same time, it is important to ensure that a gap of at least 15 -50 mm is maintained between the flooring and the upper edge of the heat-insulating layer.
Interfloor and ceiling insulation circuits

Warming of the attic flooring on wooden beams or floors between floors is carried out according to a similar scheme:

  • We carefully inspect the ceiling beams, checking for defects and signs of decay. If necessary, we repair or strengthen the structure, after which we process the base of the overlap with moisture-proofing impregnation with antiseptics and fire-retardant additives.
  • We attach cranial blocks of 50×50 cm to the beams, on which we lay the rough flooring from the boards, or equip a simple roll-up of wooden plates. It must be strong enough to withstand the mass of insulation without deformation.
  • We carry out waterproofing of the rough flooring. As in the case of floor insulation of the first floor, we use a glassine, a plastic film or special membranes.

Advice! If the insulation of floors on wooden beams is carried out in a new building, then the edges of the ceiling supporting structures should be left without waterproofing: so the wood will be able to continue natural drying. In homes over 10-15 years old, this recommendation can be neglected.

  • Carry out the installation of a heat-insulating layer, laying mineral wool slabs or foam panels. Thoroughly seal all the cracks by blowing them with polyurethane foam or filling them with scraps of mineral wool.
  • From above, without fail, we lay a vapor barrier layer. For this purpose, we use either special membranes or roll seals with foil coating.
  • On top of the vapor barrier, we fill the counter rails, to which we fasten the boards or floor slabs of the second floor or attic floor.

Another option for performing work is to warm the ceiling from the inside of the room with your own hands:

  • The ceiling is treated with a moisture-proofing compound, and then glued with waterproofing material (glassine, penofol, membranes).
  • On top of the waterproofing we fill the crate on the ceiling.
  • Attach foam or polystyrene panels to the surface of the ceiling using polyurethane adhesive foam. Each panel is additionally fixed with plastic dowel umbrellas.
  • We fix the vapor barrier film with a stapler to the crate, after which we carry out the filing of the ceiling with boards or OSB plates. The gap between the binder and insulation leave at least 10-15 mm.

Note! Sometimes when using polystyrene or expanded polystyrene, vapor barrier is abandoned, but this should not be done. Even when using synthetic materials in the work, there is a risk of moisture accumulation in the insulation layer.


We hope that questions about how to insulate the flooring in a wooden house and how to do it yourself, after reading this material, you will not arise. Well, if any nuances require clarification, we recommend that you watch the video in this article before starting work (see also the article “Steam insulation for the floor in a wooden house: stage-by-stage arrangement. Laying the first and second layer”).

Insulation of flooring on wooden beams

Overlappings with load-bearing elements made of wood are very common – both in buildings of a respectable age and in new buildings. As a rule, this design needs high-quality insulation, or laying soundproofing material and how to insulate the flooring made of wooden beams, we will talk in this article.

Design features

The main feature of this structural part of the structure is the presence of internal voids, which will be used for laying a heat insulator or soundproof materials. In general, the process is not complicated, if you follow the basic rules and technology of laying.

Another feature is the supporting parts made of wood. Any coating can be attached to them using ordinary screws or nails. This greatly simplifies the installation and assembly of the floor. Depending on which particular variant of the heat insulator will be chosen, arrangement of structures of different types will be required and, therefore, the choice of this component must be approached very carefully.

Choice of insulation

As a heat-saving layer, you can apply many of the most different in appearance and properties of materials. The list below, which describes the main characteristics of the possible materials, will help you choose the most suitable.

o             Styrofoam. Easy to install, inexpensive and has very low weight. Installation can be done alone, and in most cases, mounting is carried out on a mounting foam. Sold in the form of sheets or plates. The disadvantages include the average sound insulation characteristics, a large thickness, as well as combustibility.

o             Polyurethane foam spray applied. It perfectly insulates surfaces, providing almost complete tightness. You can adjust the thickness of the applied layer of material. The disadvantages include the need to use special equipment for application and high cost.

o             Mineral wool. The most popular of all types of insulation. In addition to good thermal insulation properties, it has good sound insulation characteristics. It is inexpensive and therefore is one of the most affordable insulation options. It is offered in the form of plates or in rolls of different thicknesses and this will allow you to choose the best option. The disadvantages include the need for waterproofing, since this insulation is able to absorb water. In addition, deformation of the material leads to a loss of basic properties.

o             Extruded polystyrene foam. It is similar in appearance to polystyrene, but it has more advanced characteristics – better thermal insulation, lower thickness and high strength. Due to its high density, it can be coated with putty or plaster. Cost is in the middle segment. By cons include not the best soundproofing qualities.

Based on these characteristics, it is possible to choose the most suitable material in all respects and move on to laying it.


Based on the fact that it is necessary to warm the interfloor floor, arranged on wooden beams, the work will be carried out in the following order:

o             First, it is necessary to hem the draft ceiling or lay a layer of boards on the attached cranial bars, which will serve as a support for the insulation.

o             It is necessary to lay a layer of vapor barrier film on the assembled base. It will protect the insulation layer from moisture. If foam or polystyrene foam is used as a heat insulator, the film is not required.

o             The next is the insulating material. It is necessary to carry out the installation in such a way that all the cavities between the supporting beams are filled without gaps. When laying mineral wool, it is not allowed to crush and compact it, as this will lead to a deterioration in thermal insulation characteristics.


o             On top of the insulation, another layer of vapor barrier or waterproofing material is laid that protects the heat insulator from moisture from above.

o             The last operation will be the arrangement of the floor of the second floor or the draft floor in the attic.

The diagram below shows what a standard sectional overlap looks like. This will help to get a better idea of how and in what sequence the installation of all the components of the floor during insulation is carried out.

The resulting design will retain heat well and will last a long time if everything is done carefully and the insulation for the flooring on the wooden beams was correctly selected.

Insulation of flooring on wooden beams

Today, energy-saving technologies are being introduced everywhere. Private construction was no exception. In a country house or cottage, heat leaves in all directions: through the roof, walls, floor, windows and doors. And information on the insulation of these elements of the house is enough.

But what about those who have a basement under the first (1) floor, a two-story house or a house with an attic? Who is looking for an answer to the question of how and how to insulate the flooring? After all, many believe that external insulation will be enough.

This is true, but only if the roof is well insulated. And the attic or attic is used constantly. Otherwise, interfloor ceilings need insulation. Because, reliable insulation of the roof slopes will protect from the release of heat outside, but not in the unheated upper room. The floor also needs to be insulated, because the cold rises from the basement.

Before you start insulating the floors of a house, you need to find out what type of flooring you are dealing with: floor beams or a monolithic slab. And also, what is used as the material of the floors: concrete, metal or wood. The choice of material, its thickness, and the method of insulation (on the ceiling or on the floor) will depend on this.

Insulation of floor slabs between floors

Overlapping from a monolithic reinforced concrete slab is always insulated.

Technology of insulation of floor slabs on the floor
  • the plate is leveled. For this, cement-sand mortar is used. If there are deep cracks in the slab, funnels or V-grooves need to be made from them. So the solution will fill the voids more fully. Then apply the mixture and smooth. It’s easier on the floor.
  • vapor barrier film is laid. The front part of the film is directed to a warmer room. You need to overlap the film. If the room temperature is the same, the film can be omitted.
  • insulating material is laid. This is where the catch lies. The insulation must be chosen so that it can withstand point and constant loads and at the same time maintain its original geometry. Therefore, in this case, it is possible to perform insulation of the floor with expanded clay, sawdust, polystyrene foam or high density basalt wool. As an option, you can install wooden logs, and lay the insulation between them. On the logs, the rough floor is stuffed.

Tip: Near chimneys and other heating elements, a heat-resistant insulation should be used.

  • spread a waterproofing film on top of the insulation. Also lapped.
  • lay the rough floor. As such, a concrete screed or plywood flooring is suitable.
  • fine flooring.
Technology of insulation of floor slabs on the ceiling
  1. plate alignment;
  2. vapor barrier;
  3. insulation – polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. In this case, there are no restrictions on the stiffness of the material, but soft or loose for the insulation of the ceiling on the plate is simply not suitable;
  4. mesh (reinforcing, polymer or fiberglass) + putty;
  5. drywall or wooden lining.

It is worth noting that due to the complexity of the work, this method of insulation is used very rarely.

Insulation of floors on wooden beams

Insulation of floors on wooden beams. The most popular material for arranging a floor in a house is wood.

Wooden beams are so good that they are easier to assemble, they are available. And, importantly, they let through much less heat than concrete.

Therefore, let us dwell in more detail on how to insulate floors on wooden beams.

Technology of insulation of ceiling beams on the ceiling
  • prepare the beams. Those. inspect for fungus, bark beetle and other troubles. If you have problems, you need to fix them. If the house is old, then before performing the insulation of the wooden floor between floors, it is necessary to strengthen the beams.
  • attach a waterproofing film or a superdiffusion membrane. The film is attached by marking to a warmer wall. The advantage of the membrane is that it is both a water barrier and a vapor barrier. Without passing water, it is able to let steam through.

Insulation of wooden floors. Beams should also be wrapped with foil. In this case, the edges of the beams must be left free by 10-15 mm. Thus, the natural drying of the wood is preserved.

Tip: You can lay the film only between the beams, and treat the beams with a primer or other solution.

  • fix the insulation. On the ceiling, insulation is most often done with foam, due to the stiffness of the material, or mineral wool.
  • after installation of the insulation, the ceiling is finished.

Foam insulation

It is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the distance between the beams is measured;
  • insulation is cut to size minus 1 cm (for further fixation). You can cut to size, but then you need to fix the sheet with dowels, umbrellas, glue or special adhesive foam;
  • the insulation is fixed with pegs. To do this, a wooden peg is hammered between the beam and the foam;
  • the joints and joints with the floor beam are blown with foam;
  • after drying, excess foam is cut off;
  • polymer film is attached. In the event that it is planned to putty the ceiling.

Insulation of interfloor ceilings with mineral wool

The second method of warming is the warming of interfloor wooden floors using mineral wool. The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the distance between the beams is measured;
  • insulation is cut to size.
  • cotton wool is laid in the space between the beams. Moreover, if the beam in height is greater than the height of the insulation. You need to lay cotton in two layers.
  • the insulation is fixed to the ceiling with a wire.
  • a layer of membrane is laid.
  • fine finishing of such a ceiling is best done with plasterboard, false ceiling or wooden lining.
Technology of insulation of wooden floors on the floor

It is much easier to make insulation of the floor in a wooden house, on wooden beams or on a reinforced concrete monolithic slab, on the floor. Mainly due to the fact that all work is carried out on the floor.

Floor insulation is performed using:
  1. the floor is leveled;
  2. vapor barrier film spreads. Be sure to overlap;
  3. insulation is laid. For bulk and hard insulation film is not needed;
  4. stacked hydrobarrier;
  5. a concrete screed is laid or the draft floor is made of plywood, OSB or natural wood.

Those who appreciate the environmental friendliness of thermal insulation material can be advised to warm the floor with sawdust or straw. At the same time, other insulation should be used near structural elements that may be heating.

And in conclusion, we will provide you with some regulatory documents (SNiP insulation of floors), based on which you can correctly choose the type and thickness of the insulation, taking into account all the factors that affect the thermal insulation in the house.


Based on this instruction, you will be able to perform insulation of the flooring with your own hands in accordance with all the rules and significantly reduce heat loss in the house.

How is the insulation of interfloor ceilings on wooden beams?

Warming of interfloor ceilings on wooden beams is a mandatory procedure for a private wooden house. Insulation, which will be located between the ceilings, will create excellent protection and thermal insulation for your walls and premises.

The benefits of a warm home

The private building on all sides needs to protect the walls from the cold and winds. You need to insulate not only walls, but also the ceiling, floors, floors, doors and windows. If all the components are insulated correctly and with high-quality material, then your house will be reliable protection for the whole family and the heat will be held in it for a long time. In order to properly insulate our room, it is necessary to determine the choice of building material and insulation. To maintain a warm climate in the house, polystyrene, mineral wool, foam (for the ceiling), expanded clay (for the floor) are best suited. Thermal insulation of floors on wooden beams between floors are construction types of work that can perform on the floor or on the ceiling.

Features of insulation

The process of insulation in a wooden house on the floor is the alignment of the floor slab. Alignment occurs when the screed is made of cement and sand. Further it is necessary to impose a vapor insulation level or film. We put a heat-insulating composition on top, for the floor the most suitable insulation is expanded clay, mineral basalt wool. Expanded clay is best suited for insulation in wooden floors. It represents light granules or porous balls in which thermal insulation is created. The reinforcement mesh is necessarily stretched over the expanded clay, concrete screed is poured, linoleum or another type of floor covering can be laid on top of the cement. Having done this procedure for floor insulation, you can be sure that thermal insulation has been created for this floor.

Materials used

In the process of thermal insulation of a wooden ceiling, you should also level the ceiling plate, then it is imperative to create a vapor barrier, thermal insulation is placed on top. To align the ceiling, you should fix the grid on it and decorate its surface when using drywall or suspended ceiling.

Types of modern heaters used for the ceiling in private houses and apartments:

  1. Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is a gas-filled product that is made from polystyrene. Such a product is completely of chemical origin and is produced by filling particles of styrene with gases. Such a product is heated by steam, while the particles increase in size and are combined into a single web, forming the initial polystyrene foam. Such material is very light, it is well suited for insulation of floors on wooden beams. Penoplex is considered one of the highest quality materials having the best thermal insulation. It is easy to fix it on wooden panels, such repairs can be done with your own hands. At the same time, plaster and putty can be applied to the surface of the foam. When choosing polystyrene foam, you need to pay attention to its size and thickness. Sheets with dimensions of 1000×500 mm will have a thickness of 30 to 100 mm. If your foam sheet has a thickness of 4 to 6 mm, then its dimensions, respectively, will be 700×400 mm. Accordingly, the larger the sheet of foam, the higher the density of its internal particles, the quality of heat will be better with thicker sheets. The price of penoplex is very high.
  2. Polyfoam – a construction compound for warming various kinds of houses and apartments. Polyfoam is a product made from plastics that are pre-foamed and filled with gas. In the manufacture of polystyrene foam, the density of gases is less, therefore, the heat fluxes that will pass through it will become delayed in it. This state of gases in the foam and confirms its excellent thermal insulation properties. The dimensions of the foam sheets are 1×1 m, the thickness depends on your choice, the lower bar for choosing the thickness starts from 2 cm to 10 cm.
  3. Polyethylene foil is a product for the thermal insulation of floors, it is polyethylene, one side of it is covered with aluminum foil. It is sold in rolls and has a rather small thickness from 1 to 25 mm with a width of 1100 mm. This material is not only a good heat-insulating product, but also a heat reflector. If you choose just such material for your home, then the heat of the rooms will not only linger in the panels, but also spread through them.
  4. Mineral wool is a good material to maintain the warmth of all time. It is made from melts of various basalt rocks. There are several types of mineral wool: glass wool, stone and slag wool. Cotton wool is produced in large mats and has a thickness of 5 to 300 mm. Also, mineral wool can be coated on one side with a layer of aluminum foil, such wool has the best reviews, during installation it fits comfortably and does not crumble due to the layer of foil, additional thermal insulation of the floors is created. When working with mineral wool, be sure to wear glasses and gloves, covered work clothes. Cotton wool has a viscous, sticky structure with pieces of recycled glass. Mineral wool product serves an excellent service in everyday life, but in contact with the body can cause itching or allergies.

Interfloor insulation of floors on wooden beams

When carrying out installation work on wood, such beams are very convenient, it is easy to mount any building materials on them. Wood is a good heat sink.

  1. Before proceeding with the installation of the heating material, beams should be prepared. Preparation takes place by examining a wooden material for fungus or mold. If you find any flaws, then they must be removed.
  2. It is imperative to fix a waterproofing or a special membrane to the wooden beams, such materials are attached to the insulation specifically so as not to let water through, and the membrane facilitates the passage of vapors.
  3. After you have fixed the waterproofing, wrap the beams with film, while leaving the edges of the beams open to dry the wood.
  4. Only after that it is possible to carry out installation work on laying the insulation.
  5. For the interfloor overlapping of a wooden house, it is better to choose such types of insulation as mineral wool or polystyrene.
  6. After such preparatory work, the thermal insulation is fastened, then the ceiling decoration works are carried out.

When performing work in a wooden house (insulation between floors with polystyrene foam), it is necessary to remember several important tips:

  • Before all work, correctly measure the distance between the beams;
  • polystyrene should be cut minus 1 or 1.5 cm, this size will be easier to install on beams;
  • it is best to fix the foam with pegs, they need to be selected from a wooden material. The peg will need to be hammered between polystyrene and beams;
  • do not forget that between the ceilings and beams it is necessary to fill everything with mounting foam;
  • after the foam has dried, it is necessary to cut off the remains;
  • If you plan to putty on the ceiling, then you should stretch the polymer film over the foam.

If you choose mineral wool in your wooden house as a material for insulation, then you should pay attention to such features:

  • measure the distance between the wooden beams;
  • cut cotton to size;
  • mineral wool should be laid in a free beam space, and the cotton wool should not stick out from all sides, it must be arranged so that it is not visible from behind the beam;
  • a wire is wrapped around the beam material and wool, thus fixing the product;
  • then lay a layer of membrane;
  • this type of ceiling in a wooden house is better to finish with suspended structures or drywall.

One can easily conclude by considering the process of warming the interfloor flooring on wooden beams, that this kind of work is complicated and not every builder will take up this matter. When warming the floor, it can be easily determined that thermal insulation made on the floor will be much easier and more convenient than fixing mineral wool on the ceiling. If the insulation of floors is performed on each floor and for each room, then not only excellent thermal insulation of the room is created, but also sound insulation, which will muffle many sounds for you. This work today has revealed all the important aspects of the interfloor insulation of the floor, therefore, having studied it in detail, you can create a warm climate in your home with your own hands.

The process of warming the flooring on wooden beams

Warming of interfloor ceilings as well as facade decor made of foam with a coating is a process that is necessary to improve their heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. This is especially true for floors that are arranged on wooden beams.

Similar constructions are often found both in relatively old houses and in new buildings. Their feature is in a very simple installation scheme, but at the output we get only the overlap of the boards and beams. It is not able to qualitatively divide the space inside the house.

That is why so much time is devoted to warming the interfloor overlap on wooden beams.

Features and purpose

Overlapping on wooden beams is most often mounted in wooden houses. However, this is not a rule that cannot be derogated from. Such ceilings are often found in other buildings of this type.

Do not use them only in monolithic buildings, frame houses and other buildings that were built using serious technologies.

And all because the floors on wooden beams can be installed according to a very simple procedure. In fact, you only need to rent a light crane (almost any model of a truck crane with an arrow will do) and several assistants.

All work consists in installing wooden beams with Baswool insulation with a certain step and in a certain direction. The beams are mounted easily, they can also be processed without much difficulty. And in order to create a coating on them, it is enough just to lay boards of the right size on top of the beams.

Compared with the construction of a private house from reinforced concrete blocks, the difference is obvious. The work does not require the use of powerful equipment, a large number of equipment, etc.

It is not surprising that wooden type ceilings have become so popular in the field of private construction, especially if we are talking about light summer buildings.

The problem is that the overlap on the beams with foam and foam does not have sufficient density. It’s just a supporting structure (the beams themselves are the supporting element here), onto which a boardwalk has been stuffed from one or two sides. As you yourself understand, this design performs only a protecting function.

You will have to do insulation and sound insulation yourself. And without fail.

It is necessary to insulate the cavity between the beams. As a rule, from above and below they are clogged with boards. In extreme cases, the flooring is only on top. But it does not attach much importance.

In any case, such an overlap will not retain heat, or suppress noise from people passing through it. If you have ever heard neighbors creaking on the second floor of a wooden house, then you must know that they walk along the usual beamed ceiling of the interfloor type.

Direct insulation is carried out using special materials. You can use different technologies. For interfloor ceilings, the thickness of the insulation does not play such a big role.

This is in most cases due to the fact that on different floors of the house, as a rule, approximately the same temperature is kept. But there are all kinds of cases. Yes, and every builder will tell you that insulation will definitely not hurt.

High-quality thermal insulation of structures always positively affects the comfort inside the house. Especially those designs that do not differ in special thermal insulation properties.

Types of insulation for floors on wooden beams

Insulation for beams in the matter of thermal insulation of floors in a private house has a huge impact. So, the right material will help you perform high-quality insulation in the house, and save a significant amount of money. Serious misses will also affect both the quality of the result and the cash costs.

Now on the market there are a huge number of different, with the help of which insulation of floors in a private house is performed.

Most often used:

  • Mineral wool.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Foam glass blocks.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Penoizolom.
  • Bulk materials.

There is no need to talk a lot about mineral wool. In the end – this is one of the most popular models of insulation at the moment. Mineral wool does not burn in the fire (and this is a very important indicator, because we are dealing with wooden beams) provides excellent protection against heat loss and sound insulation.

Moreover, in terms of sound insulation, it can be considered the most successful material. No other insulation material is capable of damping noise so well.

But wool also has several drawbacks. The first is that it swells quickly when in contact with water. For the insulation of floors, this parameter is not always important, since in our houses, as a rule, it is dry and comfortable. But if you are going to insulate the attic, then you already have to think about it.

The second point is that warming with cotton wool as well as foil insulation can cost you a pretty amount. This process will almost certainly be the most expensive. In terms of cost, only work with penoizole can compete with it, but there it is necessary to take into account the need to attract specialists with special. equipment.

Polyfoam in our area is also used, and quite often. In terms of thermal conductivity, it is not inferior to mineral wool, but it attenuates noise by an order of magnitude worse.

There are differences in the disadvantages of this insulation. On the one hand, it does not react at all to moisture, does not absorb water and can be used normally, even if you had planned to insulate the bathroom. On the other hand, polystyrene is vulnerable to fire and high temperatures.

If something goes wrong in a wooden house, then overlapping with foam insulation can significantly complicate the task of fire fighting. Or even cause a fire. Such situations are extremely rare, but they do occur, and they must be noted in advance.

Extruded polystyrene foam is the same polystyrene, just past the extrusion process. After remelting under pressure and with high temperatures at the outlet, a denser material is obtained. It is much stronger, can withstand severe loads and exceeds all the above models in terms of thermal insulation.

The problem of polystyrene foam and some other materials for insulation of this type of ceiling in its price and inability to absorb noise.

Penoizol is a sprayable insulation made of artificial foam that is mixed with carbon dioxide. The output is a foamy material that is easy to apply and adheres to the surface. After spraying, penoizol swells as it does with polyurethane foam.

The result is a very dense material, with excellent thermal insulation properties and a good structure.

Unlike other heaters, with a foam insulation, the floor box from the beams can be completely filled, without worrying about the mismatch of the forms and preliminary preparation.

Foam simply clogs all the cracks and areas, thereby forming a high-quality filling of voids.

Expanded clay, wood shavings, etc. are often used as a backfill heat insulator. In a modern private house, such methods are rarely used. This insulation is quite heavy, loose, it can even have a specific smell (although it is easily removed).

Although if we talk about the private construction of cottages or other similar buildings, the use of filling heaters can be justified. After all, their entire installation for the insulation of ceilings in a private house consists in installing waterproofing, and then backfilling the insulation, and it is extremely cheap.

Overhead insulation technology

Now we turn directly to the technology of insulation of floors. In fact, there is nothing complicated. Moreover, the presence of beams and a base already simplifies the work.

Indeed, in most cases, you do not have to mount an additional frame or something like that. It will be simple enough to fill the cavity between the insulation beams and insulation layers, and then clog it with boards.

Stages of work when warming the interfloor overlap from the floor:

  1. We prepare the floor, if necessary, open the boardwalk.
  2. We prepare insulation and all the necessary materials.
  3. We lay a layer of vapor barrier. You can work with Izospan or any other suitable vapor barrier film.
  4. We install a heater.
  5. We lay a layer of waterproofing, if necessary.
  6. We hammer the cavity with boards.
  7. We lay the topcoat.

If you need to insulate from the ceiling, then the technology is almost identical. Only waterproofing you most likely will not need at all. And if necessary, it will be mounted first under the cover.

Then a layer of insulation will go, which is fixed with dowels to the bases of the beams, and then a vapor barrier film.

In the work with insulation on the basis of polystyrene foam in the presence of a vapor barrier film there is not much need. Here it is already necessary to assess the general situation.

Insulation of flooring on wooden beams: materials and work

The content of the article

Warming of interfloor ceilings on wooden beams is a mandatory procedure for a private wooden house. Insulation, which will be located between the ceilings, will create excellent protection and thermal insulation for your walls and premises.

The benefits of a warm home

The private building on all sides needs to protect the walls from the cold and winds. You need to insulate not only walls, but also the ceiling, floors, floors, doors and windows. If all the components are insulated correctly and with high-quality material, then your house will be reliable protection for the whole family and the heat will be held in it for a long time. In order to properly insulate our room, it is necessary to determine the choice of building material and insulation. To maintain a warm climate in the house, polystyrene, mineral wool, foam (for the ceiling), expanded clay (for the floor) are best suited. Thermal insulation of floors on wooden beams between floors are construction types of work that can perform on the floor or on the ceiling.

Features of insulation

The process of insulation in a wooden house on the floor is the alignment of the floor slab. Alignment occurs when the screed is made of cement and sand. Further it is necessary to impose a vapor insulation level or film. We put a heat-insulating composition on top, for the floor the most suitable insulation is expanded clay, mineral basalt wool. Expanded clay is best suited for insulation in wooden floors. It represents light granules or porous balls in which thermal insulation is created. The reinforcement mesh is necessarily stretched over the expanded clay, concrete screed is poured, linoleum or another type of floor covering can be laid on top of the cement. Having done this procedure for floor insulation, you can be sure that thermal insulation has been created for this floor.

Materials used

In the process of thermal insulation of a wooden ceiling, you should also level the ceiling plate, then it is imperative to create a vapor barrier, thermal insulation is placed on top. To align the ceiling, you should fix the grid on it and decorate its surface when using drywall or suspended ceiling.

Types of modern heaters used for the ceiling in private houses and apartments:

  1. Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene is a gas-filled product that is made from polystyrene. Such a product is completely of chemical origin and is produced by filling particles of styrene with gases. Such a product is heated by steam, while the particles increase in size and are combined into a single web, forming the initial polystyrene foam. Such material is very light, it is well suited for insulation of floors on wooden beams. Penoplex is considered one of the highest quality materials having the best thermal insulation. It is easy to fix it on wooden panels, such repairs can be done with your own hands. At the same time, plaster and putty can be applied to the surface of the foam. When choosing polystyrene foam, you need to pay attention to its size and thickness. Sheets with dimensions of 1000×500 mm will have a thickness of 30 to 100 mm. If your foam sheet has a thickness of 4 to 6 mm, then its dimensions, respectively, will be 700×400 mm. Accordingly, the larger the sheet of foam, the higher the density of its internal particles, the quality of heat will be better with thicker sheets. The price of penoplex is very high.
  2. Polyfoam – a construction compound for warming various kinds of houses and apartments. Polyfoam is a product made from plastics that are pre-foamed and filled with gas. In the manufacture of polystyrene foam, the density of gases is less, therefore, the heat fluxes that will pass through it will become delayed in it. This state of gases in the foam and confirms its excellent thermal insulation properties. The dimensions of the foam sheets are 1×1 m, the thickness depends on your choice, the lower bar for choosing the thickness starts from 2 cm to 10 cm.
  3. Polyethylene foil is a product for the thermal insulation of floors, it is polyethylene, one side of it is covered with aluminum foil. It is sold in rolls and has a rather small thickness from 1 to 25 mm with a width of 1100 mm. This material is not only a good heat-insulating product, but also a heat reflector. If you choose just such material for your home, then the heat of the rooms will not only linger in the panels, but also spread through them.
  4. Mineral wool is a good material to maintain the warmth of all time. It is made from melts of various basalt rocks. There are several types of mineral wool: glass wool, stone and slag wool. Cotton wool is produced in large mats and has a thickness of 5 to 300 mm. Also, mineral wool can be coated on one side with a layer of aluminum foil, such wool has the best reviews, during installation it fits comfortably and does not crumble due to the layer of foil, additional thermal insulation of the floors is created. When working with mineral wool, be sure to wear glasses and gloves, covered work clothes. Cotton wool has a viscous, sticky structure with pieces of recycled glass. Mineral wool product serves an excellent service in everyday life, but in contact with the body can cause itching or allergies.

Interfloor insulation of floors on wooden beams

When carrying out installation work on wood, such beams are very convenient, it is easy to mount any building materials on them. Wood is a good heat sink.

Operating procedure:

  1. Before proceeding with the installation of the heating material, beams should be prepared. Preparation takes place by examining a wooden material for fungus or mold. If you find any flaws, then they must be removed.
  2. It is imperative to fix a waterproofing or a special membrane to the wooden beams, such materials are attached to the insulation specifically so as not to let water through, and the membrane facilitates the passage of vapors.
  3. After you have fixed the waterproofing, wrap the beams with film, while leaving the edges of the beams open to dry the wood.
  4. Only after that it is possible to carry out installation work on laying the insulation.
  5. For the interfloor overlapping of a wooden house, it is better to choose such types of insulation as mineral wool or polystyrene.
  6. After such preparatory work, the thermal insulation is fastened, then the ceiling decoration works are carried out.

When performing work in a wooden house (insulation between floors with polystyrene foam), it is necessary to remember several important tips:

  • Before all work, correctly measure the distance between the beams;
  • polystyrene should be cut minus 1 or 1.5 cm, this size will be easier to install on beams;
  • it is best to fix the foam with pegs, they need to be selected from a wooden material. The peg will need to be hammered between polystyrene and beams;
  • do not forget that between the ceilings and beams it is necessary to fill everything with mounting foam;
  • after the foam has dried, it is necessary to cut off the remains;
  • If you plan to putty on the ceiling, then you should stretch the polymer film over the foam.

If you choose mineral wool in your wooden house as a material for insulation, then you should pay attention to such features:

  • measure the distance between the wooden beams;
  • cut cotton to size;
  • mineral wool should be laid in a free beam space, and the cotton wool should not stick out from all sides, it must be arranged so that it is not visible from behind the beam;
  • a wire is wrapped around the beam material and wool, thus fixing the product;
  • then lay a layer of membrane;
  • this type of ceiling in a wooden house is better to finish with suspended structures or drywall.

One can easily conclude by considering the process of warming the interfloor flooring on wooden beams, that this kind of work is complicated and not every builder will take up this matter. When warming the floor, it can be easily determined that thermal insulation made on the floor will be much easier and more convenient than fixing mineral wool on the ceiling. If the insulation of floors is performed on each floor and for each room, then not only excellent thermal insulation of the room is created, but also sound insulation, which will muffle many sounds for you. This work today has revealed all the important aspects of the interfloor insulation of the floor, therefore, having studied it in detail, you can create a warm climate in your home with your own hands.


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