NPR 1813: thanks to the practice guideline, ergonomic office chairs for everyone

NPR 1813: thanks to the practice guideline, ergonomic office chairs for everyone

In surveys and studies, average height and weight measurements are calculated for the inhabitants of Germany. But what about the people who do not correspond to the average? If they work in an office – how should they sit ergonomically? DIN EN 1335:2000 states that office swivel chairs should have a fixed height and seat…

Vinylboden für Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden – Wohlfühlen mit Designböden ( Foto: BRICOFLOR )

Vinyl flooring for health and well-being – Feel good with design floors

The vinyl floor can be found today in numerous rooms. Despite the Prominence vinyl floor coverings do not always enjoy the best reputation. Just what the Health as far as the vinyl floor is concerned, it often still has to deal with prejudices and myths. What to expect in this article Vinyl flooring and health?…

TV-Gerät richtig in Szene setzen: Digitales Fernsehen ist gar nicht so einfach ( Foto: Adobe Stock - halzon )

Putting the TV in the right scene: Digital television is not so easy

For most people, the TV is on a sideboard or a specially purchased TV table. This may even offer a compartment for the remote control or for the TV newspaper. However, the TV is not always optimal for this. What to expect in this article Optimal height and seat distance TV Choosing the Right TV…

Hausbeleuchtung: Mehr Sicherheit und stilvolles Ambiente durch passende Außenlampen ( Foto: Shutterstock- Liya Graphics )

House lighting: More safety and stylish ambience thanks to matching outdoor lamps

Many home builders consider all possible aspects when planning the interiors and thus find the perfect lighting. But what about the home lighting? This should also be considered. What to expect in this article Installing house lighting: More security on the property To consider when planning the house lighting House lighting ensures greater safety Interesting…

Stilvolle Deckenleuchten: Individuelles und passendes Design ( Foto: Adobe Stock- brillianata )

Stylish ceiling lights: individual and appropriate design

Whoever has the choice is in agony. This also applies to the selection of ceiling lights, which is almost infinite. Therefore, before buying, everyone should ask themselves the question: which ceiling lights will suit me and my rooms? What to expect in this article Ceiling lights for every room: basic facts about lighting The right…