Thoughts on how to update the interior without repair knock on the head of those who live in the same house for a long time or those who have moved to a new apartment, but at a particular moment cannot afford major changes. But something must be changed in such a situation, otherwise: “Hello, blues and everything like her…”. Let’s see what tricks can help you freshen up your interior quickly, simply and without, or with minimal, investment. So…
Arrange A General Cleaning
It is she who is one of the first and, perhaps, even mandatory options for renewing space. This method will be especially effective for those who are not too used to order.
Hint: start cleaning the bedroom – it is believed that the next day the order in this room will motivate you to clean the rest
We are talking about “deep cleaning”: you need to wash windows, clean carpets and furniture, throw out unnecessary things, throw away what has not been used for a long time or broken and not repaired for more than a year, distribute / sell / throw out clothes that are not needed (small, large, torn, etc.).
If you combine this option with the previous one, the effect will be double. Rearranging is probably the most famous way to renovate the interior without repair and almost everyone has used it at least once. How to make it right?
There are some guidelines for this:
- The less visible the wardrobe, the better – in most cases, the wardrobe placed at the door visually takes up less space. Exception: the presence of a niche in the room and the use of furniture with mirrored doors on the entire wall.
- In the bedroom, the central element is a bed, you can put it near blank walls and near windows, the main thing is not to occupy the entire remaining space with a lot of chairs, ottomans, tables.
- “Pandemonium” of furniture in the center of the room is not the best option.
- Roulette to the rescue! Do not be too lazy to first try on whether certain furniture will fit into a new place. “By eye” usually everything is placed everywhere, but in reality it turns out not so and you have to waste energy.
- If you constantly cling to something with clothes, hands, feet – rearrange. Moreover, make it goal # 1. Even if the room does not change much visually, then you will definitely get moral pleasure from such a rearrangement.
- If you use headsets, try combining them in a new way. Maybe the armchairs from the living room look more comfortable in the bedroom?
Refresh Your Lighting
The way the light falls, what color it is, how much of it is – this is very important for creating a certain atmosphere in the room. Save a couple of large white candles for a festive or romantic dinner (although they just look bright on the shelf when off), but you can work with the rest of the light sources.
A few tips:
- Look at the chandeliers – are they comfortable, are they suitable for the interior, or is it high time to put them in the trash bin? If you don’t like them, throw them away, give them. If there is no money for new ones – do it yourself, now you can find several interesting options for handmade chandeliers that look simple and interesting, and to create them you need a ball, glue and threads.
- Sometimes you don’t need to remove, but add: a floor lamp, a sconce, just an interesting reading lamp.
- Garlands are fun all year round. They can be especially well complemented with children’s rooms or bedrooms.
- Bulky furniture by the windows, like bad curtains, steals your light. Take a closer look at the situation and think, maybe more comfort will come to the house with a lot of sunlight.
Hint: wires sticking out from everywhere do not paint the house – either hide them behind the baseboards using special elements, or decorate.
Organize Or Divide Space
The order in the little things will instantly expand the space:
- Buy several identical boxes for things and sort them. Ruffled boxes on the shelves will look neat and cute.
- Another option is to lay out the items on the shelves, if that’s convenient for you, and cover the shelf with a curtain.
- A curtain can be used to zone a room. There is no sound insulation, but if you hide the workplace in the corner of the room, it will seem that the bedroom is much more spacious and comfortable. The solution is simple and quite budgetary.
Take Care Of Plants
Flowers in the house not only create coziness, they also purify the air. How can you update your interior with them? There are several options:
- Transplant the plants into new pots. You can use flowerpots of the same color or, conversely, of all colors of the rainbow, non-standard solutions look good: many options can be found on the Internet.
- Rearrange the flowers. Maybe it’s time to make an original stand or take all the plants out onto the balcony, or maybe you should put cacti next to it, and still place an orchid or a room rose on the center of the table – experiment and the results will delight.
Paint One Wall
One wall accent has been trending for a couple of years now. This solution looks fresh, and it is not difficult to implement it. Choose a contrasting color or vice versa, the main one (if the wallpaper is white and red, then make the wall red) and go: 20 minutes of work, and the effect is good.
Paint The Ceiling
Continuing the idea above, you can paint not only the walls. True, you need to be more careful with the ceiling: white is universal, but the wrong paint can make the whole room dark and inhospitable.
More Paint The Linoleum
For the daring experimenters, this is definitely the option. You can choose almost any color or combination. The room looks original, where the floor is the same color with the accent wall. Multicolored ornaments or abstract drawings look no less successful.
Refurbish Furniture
Renovated furniture, which had to be put in order for a long time, refreshes the interior especially successfully without repair. You can choose different solutions:
- Just spray it with a new color.
- To “age” a thing.
- Use decoupage technique to transfer an interesting pattern to the surface of the furniture.
- Give safe paints to kids to decorate a table or wardrobe, and then cover all their art with varnish.
- Adhesive tape is one of the easiest options to update the look of your furniture.
Apply A New Pattern To The Tiles
You can also paint the tiles in the bathroom, for example. If the base is monotonous, then there are more than enough options for a new pattern or pattern. You can create an exclusive by hand or use a stencil: find the desired pattern on the Internet, print the picture, make a stencil on it and proceed.
Tip: Consider the room and surface when choosing paint
Upgrade Your Kitchen Apron
You can paint the apron over the work surface, or you can use special, relatively inexpensive pads. They will also be good at helping to keep the kitchen clean and will be a bright accent.
Hint: Another solution is textiles behind glass or plastic. A beautiful cut can be matched to the curtains in the kitchen or other decorative elements. Using this option will add comfort.
Paint The Refrigerator
The refrigerator is one of the most visible things in the kitchen in 95% of cases, so if you want to change something, start by decorating this technique.
Hint: sometimes you don’t need to drastically change the color, you can just update the original one. You can also hang the board under a marker or sticky notes, chalk to make a grocery list or leave cute messages to each other.
Use Dishes For Decor
Several interesting sets of plates and glasses will easily decorate not only the shelves in the kitchen, but also the dining table in the dining room. For a change, you can fill glasses or bottles with something interesting and complement the mini-compositions with beautifully folded cloth napkins.
Change The Coasters In The Kitchen
Use non-standard fruit baskets: you can put salt shakers on them, put bread or jars of spices.
It is not only original, but also practical to use the new magnetic wall plate for knives. Everything will be close at hand and will look unusual.
Use Extra Shelves In The Kitchen
Organize a shelf over a low-hanging cabinet, over a low fridge, or create a green corner with shelves on a light but empty wall.
Hint: you don’t need to get carried away and hang shelves in places where cooking or people are constantly moving.
Change The Countertop
One of the easiest ways to transform a kitchen is to change the countertop. Thus, it is possible to update the interior with a very different layout of the room. The method is suitable for island sets, and if all the furniture is so along the walls.
Make A New Shower Tray
All you need to do is put on a comfortable wooden stand and the shower stall will look different. Moreover, standing with your feet on wet wood is much more pleasant than on acrylic or steel. The grille can be chosen in a simpler manner or search / order a patterned version.
Increase The Functionality Of The Rack
If there is a rack in the room and you still have not made it in addition to a cozy sofa, then try it. Attach a soft foam and dense fabric pillow on top, scatter a couple of pillows and use the new interior element to your health.
Hang A Canopy Over The Bed
This unconventional solution will add zest to any bedroom. It will complement well a one-room apartment, since it will allow you to divide the space.
Hint: for summer, take light translucent fabrics or even a regular mosquito net; for winter, thick textiles or a combination of two or three layers of medium density materials are better suited.
Use Blankets And Bedspreads
Blankets in one color scheme or, conversely, multi-colored (depending on the interior features) will help make your home more comfortable and interesting. Use the folded and unfolded blanket on armchairs, sofas, beds.
Hint: Simply changing the covers on the couch and in the bedroom will instantly change the room.
Change The Headboard Upholstery
The bed in the bedroom is the main subject, so changing its usual appearance will affect the atmosphere in the room.
You can choose a fabric of the same color, combine several different types, or immediately choose a variegated material. You can make a bed update with your own hands, or by contacting the master for help.
Hang A Hammock
Such a detail will make the room unusual and give the atmosphere in the bedroom a light touch of vacation mood. Particularly impressive look hammocks near the large bright windows.
Hint: Use this technique to update your interior carefully – first, make sure you can install the correct mount.
As an alternative to this feature – wicker hanging ball chairs. They look no less impressive and free. But they take up a lot of space, so make sure in advance that such an innovation will not take up all the free space in the room.
Apply Knitted Details
This refers to covers for armchairs and sofas, pillows, soft ottomans. Today you can find ready-made options or come up with and make a suitable product yourself.
Hang A Mural Or Fabric On The Wall
Interior textiles can be used almost anywhere. The panel will add coziness, and if you place it in a frame and make it double-sided (so you can turn it over) and multi-colored, then it will be quite easy to change the mood of the room. We are sure that this craft will be especially appreciated by changeable teenagers.
Textiles can also be played up in different ways, and with the right approach, a simple piece of fabric will transform your home for the better.
Experiment With Textures
Play with the surface of the furniture. If everything is perfectly smooth in appearance and glossy, then add dullness and roughness. If everything is flat and even, then “throw” a few round and fluffy pillows into the interior – the room will sparkle in a new way.
There are many options: you can add wood or glass elements, include a few plastic accessories, remove a few mirrors, etc.
Use Clothes
We take a hanger and a bright summer dress with a tutu or navy striped skirt, next to it we place a large compass, a map with several marks, a straw hat with a satin ribbon, and put a suitcase and a guitar on the floor – voila! The room happily reminds us that times are changing and even though the vacation has already passed, but soon there will be a new one.
You can also play with souvenir samurai swords and a colorful kimono or bright sari, a Buddha figurine and an hourglass.
You can use different objects – in fact, it all depends on what the interior of the room is initially.
Make Appliques From Textiles
You can create a lot of things with your own hands. And if you have at your disposal fabric with different textures and different accessories (locks, buttons, rivets, etc.), then you can create an unusual picture. With children, doing this kind of creativity can be doubly fun.
Hint: if for some reason it seems to you that the final result is too outlandish, then soften the transitions with spray paint. Tilt the can 45 degrees and spray the paint. The most winning color options are usually golden, silver and white, fluorescent paints and neon colors have also been trending for a long time, but no one will limit it.
Change The Carpet On The Floor
Replacing the carpet should be, one might say, radical. Pay attention to contrasting colors – that is, make the flooring a bright accent in the room.
Hint: to add austerity to the interior, pay attention to cold shades, while warm colors create coziness. Make sure that the colors in the rooms are combined, otherwise the room will seem uncomfortable, awkward.
Paint The Carpet
If you have the right material and you would like to have an exclusive item in your home, then this option is for you. Just take paints, stencils and go. Drawings can be made abstract or simple patterns can be used.
Get Out The Books
Update the interior with old books – what the doctor ordered. Moreover, recently retro details have found a response in the hearts of not only fashionistas, but also designers. Here are some ideas:
- Arrange books by spine colors – just in order, like in a rainbow, or according to a specific pattern, creating a kind of “picture”.
- Place the books on the table. A stack of 4-6 books with a beautiful cover will perfectly complement your living room and bedroom.
Hang Up Different Curtains
Play with colors and the whole room will look different. You can choose different shades of the same color and create a smooth transition from the outer curtain to the central one. There is also an option to use contrasting models.
Braid The Curtains
Unusual, isn’t it? But the idea is lovely. One option is shown below in the photo. You can make a braid or something like a spikelet, if you turn on imagination, then there are a lot of weaving options.
Hang A Photo
To update the interior with the help of pictures, it is worth not only choosing the best shots, but also using the original frames. There are several options:
- Apply different colors and shapes without reference to anything.
- Use only the same frames – for example, white round ones.
- Compose a photo composition (hang a photo of a couple in the shape of a heart, or place pictures of the whole family on strings, etc.).
- Find or make your own frames of an unusual format: asymmetric, with a variety of thematic objects (for example, for a photo where parents drink coffee, create a frame with coffee beans, and for a picture with a diploma, attach a cute little graduate cap, etc.).
Take Decor For The Season
There are a lot of options for revitalizing the interior:
- If it’s winter outside, let cones, coniferous branches, bells and various New Year’s toys come into play.
- With the onset of spring, do not be greedy and make the house with flowers, use small ribbons and bows, the place will be decorated with colorful butterflies in the corner of the room or on the ceiling.
- In the summer, take wicker baskets and fill them with apples and berries, add marine motifs in the bathroom and in the kitchen – a good mood will be guaranteed.
- And in the fall, put chrysanthemums on the table, put yellow and red leaves in a transparent round vase, add acorns and whatever your heart desires.
Hint: Large transparent vases are generally a great thing – you can fill them with whatever you want depending on the mood and weather outside the window.
Hang Pictures
Works of art can bring any room to life. Choose paintings that match the color or theme and hang them.
An important point is the frame. Perhaps you should choose the same colors, or stop at different types of solutions.
Hint: Try hanging pictures at the same height and at different levels.
Add Pillows
Pillows of different shapes and from different textiles can transform a room in an instant. Moreover, the presence of several “kits” will allow you to combine them in different ways.
You can place pillows not only on the sofa and bed, they can also be arranged on chairs, armchairs, window sills and even just on the floor near the table or in the corner, along with a soft small rug.
Find The Right Mirrors
Properly hung mirrors will expand the space, make it lighter and more diverse. Most likely, many people are already convinced of this.
Too many mirrors should not be used, they will create a kind of “noise” when crossing a large number of images, too many movements for the eyes will tire and distract.
Place Mirrors On Cabinet Doors
If the room doesn’t have a wardrobe, you can try to update the old wardrobe with framed mirrors. Attach them to the outside of the door and paint the frame and base the same color to give the impression of being built-in. And if the frame is with different curls and patterns, then you get an original thing.
Hang The TV In A Frame
The frame monitor looks very unusual. Here you need to understand that it is not necessary to attach the decor to the TV. It is enough to place the frame itself on the wall along the contour of the screen. If the technique is in a niche, then only then can you get the effect of a full-fledged “picture”. If the monitor is on a pedestal, then this option is excluded.
Use Frames To Decorate Sockets And Switches
Frames can be used in many places at all. It is easy to refine sockets and switches with them, and the result will be pretty cute.
Hint: in order not to guess with the dimensions, you can draw a frame on the wall and paint it in the desired color or glue corners made of plastic or wood right on the wall around the perimeter of the socket / switch cover and cover the first with varnish, paint, possibly beads, etc.
Hide The Ventilation Grilles
Here are some tricks you can use:
- You can purchase special openwork wooden nets and cover the ventilation with them.
- Some craftsmen take a regular patterned bath mat (if an interesting pattern) and paint it from a spray can – the effect is very good.
- In some cases, something like a knitted napkin will do, but here you need to take into account that it will be difficult to clean it (more difficult than the options above).
Disguise The Radiators
You can act as in the case above. Use all kinds of openwork pads that will cover the old radiators. But here you need to take into account that any decor must be placed so that the air can come out and enter, otherwise in winter there is a risk of being left without heat.
Hint: Sometimes you don’t need to use any decorative elements, you just need to change the color of the battery.
Create Extra Surface In Your Bathroom Or Kitchen
Often we put several pieces of furniture or appliances next to each other and do not use the opportunity to create a full-fledged work surface. You can, for example, make a shelf above the washing machines and get additional space that can be used effectively. Moreover, such shelves most often make the room look more neat and simple.
Give The Old New Life
Perhaps, before the renovation, you had other curtains or even a clock hanging – look for them and take a closer look, maybe now they will help make the house brighter? So you can experiment with any items that were once “hidden”: cabinets after a little decoration or large storage boxes, frames, etc.
Don’t Be Afraid To Do It Yourself
In general, we can say that any new thing will refresh the interior. And if the object is made by you with enthusiasm and in a good mood, then it will also be a kind of inspiration. Therefore, let hand-made gizmos constantly complement your home.
It is relatively easy to refresh the interior without cosmetic and major repairs. The main thing is to understand exactly what you want and not be afraid to show your creative side!