Decoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

The decoration of the house is seen as something super important and that deserves to be recycled every year, mainly to be able to meet all the changes and also the new trends that are established in blogs and other decoration channels.

Are you looking to invest in a renovation of your home in the year 2022 but have some doubts or are you missing new ideas? See below what are the 7 main new decoration trends 2022 to insert in your home and stay inside.

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7 decorating tips for 2022: the most prominent ones!

Own space for home officeDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

A trend that had long since been lost in the face of large corporations and companies having their specific places, has changed a lot due to the new epidemic of the corona virus, mainly the work format we know.

Many people had to improvise a corner in their home – unexpected in some cases – in order to be able to work in peace and with quality, therefore, for the year 2022, it is recommended to invest in a place or in a more cozy environment. for moments like this.

Neon lightDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

A trend that has been used in bars, restaurants or other stores for a long time, neon lights can be a great way to highlight an environment that may seem lifeless, in addition, it is a great point for clicks, especially for who loves to pump on Instagram.

You can insert it in your barbecue, in your room, in the kitchen and elsewhere, the important thing is to have enough creativity so that the place looks unique and still does not bother you, without disturbing the local decoration.

Open and integrated environmentsDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

It is past the time when there was a place intended solely for the kitchen, the living room or other possibilities, the trend now is to make the most of integrated spaces, thus creating a feeling of greater space and comfort in the house.

Does your kitchen have a wall that separates it from the dining room, the pantry, the barbecue or other possibilities? How about taking it down and thus having more skill, mobility and style to get around?

This is a trend that has been taking over architecture and engineering for some time, so how about thinking about inserting it in your unique environment?

FixturesDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

Something considered very useful for many people, having a lamp on the side of the bed or on the desk in the office, is more than necessary to have a better quality of work or just to read a book.

The tendency of the luminaires is that they are increasingly used by people, mainly because it facilitates reading, mobility and gives a better view of the space.

Best of all, there are thousands of models available in decoration stores, in addition to the possibility of making your own if you have the patience and other necessary devices.

MirrorDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

An object that makes all the difference in the environment, whether in the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, the bedroom or so many other possibilities, the mirror when well positioned is great to give the impression that the space is bigger than it really looks, thus expanding the feeling of convenience and comfort.

In furniture stores or even on the internet, it is possible to buy different sizes, styles, models and always with frames that deserve to be highlighted, in this way, you can search for the one that best matches your existing style and space.

It is always interesting to carefully measure the space you want to fit in, as there are cases when some stores do not make the exchange once purchased, so be careful.

Blackboard or memory boardDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

Painting a wall in black or buying a specific picture to take notes is a big trend for the year 2022, after all, who has never forgotten a certain appointment, the items needed to make a recipe or even that monthly trip to the market?

Investing in a whiteboard or a memory board is a great request to get everything in hand, in addition to the possibility of leaving a loving message if you live with more people.

Striking colorsDecoration Trends 2022: 7 pieces that will make a difference in your home

Many colors will have their triumphant return in the year 2022, such as gray, yellow, red, orange and many others that deserve to be highlighted.

This is because placing a wall of only one striking color or a wallpaper, for example, is a trend that has been increasingly pleasing to anyone who intends to decorate the house with new ideas.

Now that you know more about the 7 unique ideas for decorating your home, it’s time to choose which one or more than one, they will be on your list for 2022.

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