How to choose right wall color for the office or study

How to choose right wall color for the office or study

How to choose right wall color for the office or studyThe effect of color on our performance and motivation should not be underestimated. Upgrading the office or work space with the right wall color benefits both your own well-being and the quality of our work. Those who surround themselves with pleasant colors at their desk or at work in the office are more productive and more balanced. A harmonious atmosphere in the room increases the joy of work. No matter whether you work alone or in the company of colleagues.

The wall paint color schemes of the workplace is therefore becoming more and more important in the home office as well as in modern company rooms and community offices. And it is also crucial for setting up according to the Feng Shui principle. We have put together helpful tips for the color design for your work rooms. We would like to make your home office or company office a nicer place! Let yourself be inspired.

The right wall color for the office or studyHow to choose right wall color for the office or study

Do you have your own home office at home or a workplace in your living space? Then you even have a free hand when it comes to color design! Office corner in the hallway, chic home office with secretary, functional living room workplace or a separate study? With the right color, you can get even more out of your work area. And especially with regard to motivation and productivity! Because rooms that are deliberately designed in terms of color generally convince with a corresponding atmospheric effect.

A calm color mood with individually accented areas is the guarantee for a coherent overall concept. Color accents can also be set in potentially monotonous shared offices. Even if the existing color design is not everyone’s cup of tea: our facts about colors convince everyone!

Overview of color psychology: colors and their effects in the workplace

For the general understanding of color, it is important to understand the difference between spectral and body colors. Spectral colors are the pure colors. According to Thomas Young, spectral colors consist of three primary or primary colors, from which you can mix all other colors. These are red, yellow and blue. Bodies and materials have no color, only when illuminated are people perceiving them as color. This effect is described as body colors.

A basic distinction is made between cold (blue, green, purple,…) and warm (red, orange, yellow,…) colors. As a wall color for the office, warm colors are among the tones for more creativity, cold colors, on the other hand, for more calm and relaxation. This can be

beneficial in law firms or psychiatric clinics. The color selection should therefore be made dependent on the respective professional group. Neutral colors such as beige also have a calming and concentration- promoting effect. Grayis particularly recommended for analysts, for example. Before implementing your desired color scheme, check the suitability for office and the effect of the respective color:

colour effect
red Inspirational and cheeky
yellow Harmonious, stimulating
White Pure and clear – liberating, eyes tiring
purple Inspirational, balancing
orange Stimulating and warming
green Stress-relieving, vitalizing
Gray Neutralizing
blue Encourages concentration, encouraging

Already knew? Blue and yellow can be combined well. These two complementary colors complement each other perfectly in your home office!

Different color perceptions

The individual color perception is very different, which is why everyone has their own favorite color. The perception of a color depends on the following factors:

  • origin
  • gender
  • Age
  • Zeitgeist
  • Personal taste and character
  • Appearance of color – shape, location, etc.
  • Light or shadow relationships

For the color selection in offices, the corporate image should also be included in the corporate design in addition to the professional group.

Our favorite: green for more motivation, power and a good mood

The wall color greenĀ  is a very good office color because it is lively and good for concentration at the same time. It also reduces anxiety and stress.

Olive tones, for example, are ideal for libraries, but can also work well in editorial offices. Because they particularly stimulate concentration and are therefore ideal for reading and writing.

The basic rules for wall color in the office

Personal preferences are important when choosing colors. But the respective lighting conditions in the room should not be neglected either. The coordination of the desired shade and the spatial conditions is a not insignificant aspect in the color design. Office or workplace lighting also has an impact on the resulting room effect.

  • Large rooms need warm colors, these look closer
  • Small rooms need cool colors, these have an expanding effect in the small office
  • The ceiling should always brighter be
  • No white ! This should always be combined with other colors, except in sterile places such as hospitals
  • Matte colors take up a lot of space
  • Bright colors take up little space – accents are enough here
  • The room layout should always include a stimulating, a calming side
  • Office walls should always be painted in 3 different colors in a ratio of 70% – 20% – 10%
  • Bright colors serve to relax the eyes burdened by the screen
  • The creative colors are recommended in the conference room : violet, green and yellow can be a good combination!

Colors evoke – depending on the nuance, more or less immediately – different emotions. Give the color character you want with a wall paint in the office!

The right color combination and bright colors in the officeHow to choose right wall color for the office or study

One thing is certain: pure white walls do not have a positive effect at work, the white is not particularly stimulating. In particular, the combination of colors has a good influence on our mood and productivity in addition to a beautiful interior. Interior experts therefore recommend combining a minimum of three different wall colors in the office. A color should mainly indicate the tone. The other two colors should appear to a lesser extent in the office space and only set accents. If three colors are too much for you, you can also choose two central colors.

Colors through furniture and decoration

Of course, you can also start small or bring the colors into play with furniture and decoration. Murals and plants, but also storage and office items such as folders are ideal for this! And the best thing to do is to choose the color of your choice according to your profession. We hope we could inspire you! Your Westwing team!

Tip: Are you looking for color trends? Then read our article on modern wall colors ! We have all wall color ideas for you – for every room and for every taste!

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